01-08-2007, 07:28 AM
Ive managed to find just about every show not specifically listed in the credits, but in 0 the one used in #59 during the Monty Python song, I cant find out what H the girl with the eye patch at the very end is from. Anybody happen to know?

Oh I found all of the AMVs to be great and very entertaining. I mostly enjoy showing my friends who recently got into anime or know little about it, AMV 0 and seeing their reaction. 5 out of 7 times its been "WTF!?!? >.> where can I download this stuff?" lol :twisted:

02-08-2007, 09:05 PM
you asshole, i know i saw that with my gf a few months ago, but i can't remember wtf its called.... its drivin me nuts now... BOO @ YOU SIR! i'll see what i can do... dragon pink is the first thing that comes to mind, but no, theres no way that can be it... gime a few minutes to figure it out...

i was put in charge of all the hentai for o-chibi con for a reason, they call me the porno guy >: D and ima show you why

02-08-2007, 09:33 PM
AHAH! I FOUND IT! its: Meiking
