02-28-2012, 10:19 PM
Episode 10.
The End of Evangelion
Blood on the Dance Floor - Suicide Club
Cowboy Bebop
Megamind (the movie) - Intro scene
Galaxy Angel
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sound clips
Overman King Gainer
Johnny Bravo Theme Song
Angel Beats
South Park sound clips
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Watchmen - sound clip
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Super Mario bros 8 bit sound effects
Lucky Star
Jason Steele -
charlie teh unicron episode 2
Tengen Topa Gurren Lagann
Patient Zero - Dwarf Hole (Diggy Diggy Hole)
Fruits Basket
Mitch Hedberg - Houses
Skyrim Sound Clip
Dragon Ball Z
The Boondocks Sound Clip
Highschool of the Dead
Tobuscus - Tobuscus Adventures
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Chris Tomlin - How Great is Our God?
Pani Poni Dash
Kindergarten Cop Sound clip
Dajore Niseny Elph
Sailor Moon Super S
Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope Sound Clip
Dave Rogers - Space Boy aka Initial D theme
The Whitest Kids U' Know - Grapist
Elfen Lied
The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Angel Beats!
Death Note Sound Clip
Darker Than Black
Fat Joe - Make It Rain
Death Note
The Lonely Island - Threw It On The Ground
Elfen Lied
Styx - Too Much Time On My Hands
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Eminem - Without Me
Highschool Of The Dead
Pulp Fiction sound clip / The Centurians - Bullwinkle II
02-28-2012, 10:25 PM
YAY!!! New Mini!!!!!
02-28-2012, 10:28 PM
Been waiting for this for a while now!
Got home just in time.
02-28-2012, 10:35 PM
Bad ass but now im gonna have to much time on my hands stuck in my head all day
02-28-2012, 10:39 PM
other than a few pieces of audio that made me laugh(not the clips themselves) this mini sucked
02-28-2012, 10:54 PM
For those who care... my favorites this episode:
Cowboy Bebop
Megamind (the movie) - Intro scene
(This is awesome)
Galaxy Angel
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sound clips
Overman King Gainer
Johnny Bravo Theme Song
Angel Beats
South Park sound clips
Fruits Basket
Mitch Hedberg - Houses
(So peaceful in the beginning, hilarious)
Dragon Ball Z
The Boondocks Sound Clip
(Could've been edited a little better, but still one of my favorites this episode.)
Highschool of the Dead
Tobuscus - Tobuscus Adventures
Pani Poni Dash
Kindergarten Cop Sound clip
(At first I thought... meh, then we the chocking started I thought XDlol)
Sailor Moon Super S
Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope Sound Clip
Darker Than Black
Fat Joe - Make It Rain
(This just goes to well with Panty)
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Eminem - Without Me
Those are my favorites, although most all of the other clips in this episode were pretty good also IMO.
02-28-2012, 10:58 PM
they weren't good law. They sucked dick, most of the stuff has been done before, it was boring and the only real saving grace was the mitch headburg audio
02-28-2012, 11:19 PM
Yeh.. Aside from a few or so, and I do mean a few.. this felt like the bargain bin of AMVs where you find all the straight to home video rejects. Wasn't the fus ro dah one even in Blitz 2?
02-28-2012, 11:34 PM
I waited all this time for this steamy pile of ****, the grape clip was the only funny one. What the hell is going on here, the editors or the judges suck. AMV Hell is not funny any more, it been on a downward spiral. What happened to the funny clips like we had back in the day, does anybody know whats funny anymore. I remember watching the earlier Hells and laughing my ass off and most of the anime I never seen, so some please explain what the hell happened.
02-29-2012, 12:13 AM
Forced full screen widescreen? The sure lowered the quality of my eva clip a little. Wait, why was that in minis 10 instead of a later one? Why was that the first clips when it was submitted not too long ago? Whats going on here!
Bee-Syds that I was entertained so that's all I can ask for in an AMV series that died years ago.
My hats off to StarRodMan for that great Johnny Bravo video.
02-29-2012, 12:24 AM
why is it whenever you strange humans think the vids suck, they are actually pretty good? Better than past ones thats for sure
02-29-2012, 12:25 AM
To those complaining about the quality of the entries: AMV Minis can only be as good as the videos that are submitted to it. If you are unsatisfied, then submit better videos.
EvilestDeath: not sure what you mean about the quality of the eva video. End of Eva *IS* widescreen, so whats the problem?
02-29-2012, 12:33 AM
or I have a better idea zarx. and that idea is to not accept **** videos
02-29-2012, 12:37 AM
**** is in the eye of the beholder in this case. unless of course they DONT MATCH UP THE ****ING LIP FLAPS, then it really is ****
02-29-2012, 12:38 AM
no, not really. **** is very easy to see. And you are just mad because I said your video is ****
02-29-2012, 12:46 AM
no, you said the majority of videos are ****, and I don't actually think your opinion is worth anything (much as you think the same of mine) so I have no reason to be angry with you. Once again, whether or not it is easy to see, **** is still in the eye of the beholder
02-29-2012, 12:48 AM
**** is still **** no matter how you look at it. There is no eye of the beholder to be had
02-29-2012, 12:55 AM
02-29-2012, 12:56 AM
with visual representations, **** is left up to opinion, as there is no perfect standard to rate it by. You may think something is ****, someone else might think it is amazing; in either case, unless there is a bar by which to go by (the bar is usually majority vote) then neither opinion is more correct.
02-29-2012, 12:58 AM
Don't bother with him LOLWTFBBQ, Darth effectivley labeled himself a troll whose opinion will never again be considered genuine not to long ago if you remember.
Take note of how fast he responds, that should give you an idea of how much thought he gives to what he says.
**** is still **** no matter how you look at it. There is no eye of the beholder to be had
And Darth... opinions cannot be incorrect, only the facts placed within them.
If you didn't enjoy this episode then that's fine, but there are plenty who did.(myself included)
There's no since in arguing over an opinion.
02-29-2012, 01:00 AM
well you are right, everyone has the right to an opinion and my opinion is you dont have the right to one so **** off. And as a mod you shouldnt be objective towards users, that just makes you **** like guts. And the majority vote on this mini was that it was **** so my opinion is right in the fact that it was ****.
02-29-2012, 01:05 AM
well you are right, everyone has the right to an opinion and my opinion is you dont have the right to one so **** off. And as a mod you shouldnt be objective towards users, that just makes you **** like guts. And the majority vote on this mini was that it was **** so my opinion is right in the fact that it was ****.
02-29-2012, 01:06 AM
Yes an opinion is like an asshole everyone has one. It does smell like butt hurt in here. Yes it is **** and I'm voicing my opinion because its giving AMV Hell a bad name. Why put something out if there isn't anything good, who wants a once good name slapped on a giant turd. Its not a matter if some said persons do or do not make videos, it a matter of that its not funny, and I mean all of it, most do not want to say anything because they don't want to get flamed.
02-29-2012, 01:08 AM
The darkside is strong within this thread.
Hmm, a few gems but an underwhelming episode to me. Only the grape you in the mouth clip gave me that "LMFAO" moment and that's off considering the length of this episode.
02-29-2012, 01:11 AM
why must the video be funny? Humor is extremely subjective, I can garentee not everyone will be pleased, this makes it close to impossible to make good content (especially because none of the audio sources are original) in everyone's opinion.
also AMV Hell and Minis are almost completely separate entities
02-29-2012, 01:14 AM
why must the video be funny? Humor is extremely subjective, I can garentee not everyone will be pleased, this makes it close to impossible to make good content (especially because none of the audio sources are original) in everyone's opinion.
also AMV Hell and Minis are almost completely separate entities
100% agree.
On a side note.. I personally loved Death Note and Kindergarten Cop ones the best. Vader was also a good one.
02-29-2012, 01:15 AM
it is easy to make good content, but it is apparently hard to for the judges to see good content with **** every where
02-29-2012, 01:17 AM
why do I get the strange feeling this is your way of burning bridges after being rejected too many times?
02-29-2012, 01:22 AM
no being rejected here, from what I here this is the first time you ever got a clip in. So really you are being defensive because a piece of your **** finally got polished
02-29-2012, 01:27 AM
do some research bro, this episode contains my third clip. nothing special, I know, but then again I'm not that ambitious to get clips in
02-29-2012, 01:29 AM
it is easy to make good content, but it is apparently hard to for the judges to see good content with **** every where
The more you use ****®, the more you're going to have to pay me in royalties.
However, I do agree with Darth. This episode was probably the worst of season 2, which makes it the glob of diarrhea in the pile of ****.
Also, notice how when one says something negative about the Minis, despite the fact that they are negatively received outside of Hell and a few, insignificant communities, they go insane and start saying YOUR WRONG AND BLAH BLAH BLAH MY OPINIONS > YOUR OPINIONS BECAUSE IMMA HYPOCRITE, YOU MAKE A BETTER VIDEO THEN, TROLL >:(!, and all that nice dilly-wiggle. Gotta love this sensible, mature community.
02-29-2012, 01:36 AM
well at least 3 people have sense on this page
02-29-2012, 01:47 AM
why must the video be funny? Humor is extremely subjective, I can garentee not everyone will be pleased, this makes it close to impossible to make good content (especially because none of the audio sources are original) in everyone's opinion.
also AMV Hell and Minis are almost completely separate entities
Why must it be funny, really? What kind of answer is that, AMV Hell was made to be funny not just for the hell of it. You must be boring as hell if you think it was funny.
02-29-2012, 01:55 AM
no no, I'm just saying clips could also be badass or just superb quality. limiting a clip to HAVE to be funny is a weak system.
and because I can abuse this meme:
Seriously though, anyone ever noticed how Minis are never announced or even registered on Coincidence, shame, or lack of drive?
02-29-2012, 02:20 AM
yeah, cause they are ****
Forgetting to crop out station watermarks will get you laughed and/or bashed out of The Org.
Standards Where?
Seriously though, this episode wasn't horrible. I've seen much worse things.
02-29-2012, 02:30 AM
"You drive like an old bitch!"
Lol I laughed.
02-29-2012, 02:36 AM
it was an okay minis. skits I liked: p&s/eminem, Angel beats/death note, and death note/lonely island [even though i hate that song xD]
02-29-2012, 02:44 AM
The more you use ****®, the more you're going to have to pay me in royalties.
However, I do agree with Darth. This episode was probably the worst of season 2, which makes it the glob of diarrhea in the pile of ****.
Also, notice how when one says something negative about the Minis, despite the fact that they are negatively received outside of Hell and a few, insignificant communities, they go insane and start saying YOUR WRONG AND BLAH BLAH BLAH MY OPINIONS > YOUR OPINIONS BECAUSE IMMA HYPOCRITE, YOU MAKE A BETTER VIDEO THEN, TROLL >:(!, and all that nice dilly-wiggle. Gotta love this sensible, mature community.
And again "That only works if the better video gets accepted XD"
And this.
Also, notice how when one says something negative about the Minis, despite the fact that they are negatively received outside of Hell and a few, insignificant communities, they go insane and start saying YOUR WRONG AND BLAH BLAH BLAH MY OPINIONS > YOUR OPINIONS BECAUSE IMMA HYPOCRITE, YOU MAKE A BETTER VIDEO THEN, TROLL >:(!, and all that nice dilly-wiggle. Gotta love this sensible, mature community.
Reminds me of an article I read. This should be required reading before one makes an AMV or something. (
02-29-2012, 03:04 AM
This one was pretty bad.
02-29-2012, 03:18 AM
The End of Evangelion
Blood on the Dance Floor - Suicide Club
I get what you were trying to do.. but it just felt entirely flat and last way to long.
Cowboy Bebop
Megamind (the movie) - Intro scene
This one was neat, audio I had never heard before that matched the video and ended when it should have.
Galaxy Angel
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sound clips
This.. didn't go anywhere. What was the point of the bit at the end?
Overman King Gainer
Johnny Bravo Theme Song
HA! Very good.
Angel Beats
South Park sound clips
This one was also pretty funny, though it could have been better if we had some lipsynching.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Watchmen - sound clip
Really enjoyed this one, the combination was superb.
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Super Mario bros 8 bit sound effects
Way to ****ing long. This should have been a quick clip and its length ruined it.
Lucky Star
Jason Steele -
charlie teh unicron episode 2
Nice lipsynching but.. otherwise it didn't really go together.
Tengen Topa Gurren Lagann
Patient Zero - Dwarf Hole (Diggy Diggy Hole)
How many times has this been done already? Way too much is the correct answer. It's stale and it was way too ****ing long.
Fruits Basket
Mitch Hedberg - Houses
Good one.
Skyrim Sound Clip
I swear to god I saw this in blitz 2 or something else recent, why is it here too? Should've ended after he got hit with the book.
Dragon Ball Z
The Boondocks Sound Clip
I know the audio fits the scene but, it simply didn't feel right. Perhaps if you actually had goku or the guy saying the words.
Highschool of the Dead
Tobuscus - Tobuscus Adventures
Zombie clip with zombie audio? Should be good right? Well no, cause you can hardly here what the guy says in the middle and it seems so rushed for such a long clip.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Chris Tomlin - How Great is Our God?
How many times has this been done already? Way too much is the correct answer. It's stale and it was way too ****ing long.
Pani Poni Dash
Kindergarten Cop Sound clip
Hah, this one was really good but it should have ended after the first shutup.
Dajore Niseny Elph
Sailor Moon Super S
Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope Sound Clip
S'alright, nothing special.
Dave Rogers - Space Boy aka Initial D theme
What's the point of this one? It's just random music with a random scene.
The Whitest Kids U' Know - Grapist
One of the better ones, lipsynching could have been better.
Elfen Lied
The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
How many times has this been done already? Way too much is the correct answer. It's stale and it was way too ****ing long.
Angel Beats!
Death Note Sound Clip
..What's the point of this? There was no payoff.
Darker Than Black
Fat Joe - Make It Rain
It fits, but it doesn't do anything else. As bland as you can get.
Death Note
The Lonely Island - Threw It On The Ground
I like this one a lot, and I hate Lonely Island so good job.
Elfen Lied
Styx - Too Much Time On My Hands
I fail to see the point here. There's a clock, the song is about time, but that's about it. Feels like there is where thinking stopped.
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Eminem - Without Me
More music videoish than amvhellish but fine nonetheless.
Highschool Of The Dead
Pulp Fiction sound clip / The Centurians - Bullwinkle II
This clip was beyond stupid, and to end on it was even worse. What was the point of it?
Most of the horrible ones all were pretty much TO ****ING LONG or had no point to them whatsoever. You guys could do with some brevity.
02-29-2012, 03:36 AM
Dragon Ball Z
The Boondocks Sound Clip
I know the audio fits the scene but, it simply didn't feel right. Perhaps if you actually had goku or the guy saying the words
Hmm...I considered it but in the end, i thought it would come off better by allowing the audience to assume it was the female passenger who said it. Lip synching in that situation would have been forced and i don't particularly like synching for characters that aren't the right gender. I realize there are exceptions though.
02-29-2012, 03:40 AM
But isn't Goku voiced by an old lady in the original version?
02-29-2012, 03:50 AM
Forgetting to crop out station watermarks will get you laughed and/or bashed out of
Seriously though, this episode wasn't horrible. I've seen much worse things.
Yeah I agree. This episode wasn't horrible but it definitely wasn't great. If anything it was the worse out of the minis, but it was still better than half the other crap out there.
02-29-2012, 04:33 AM
But isn't Goku voiced by an old lady in the original version?
She doesn't sound that old to me and that would probably go over one too many people's heads.
02-29-2012, 04:35 AM
no being rejected here, from what I here this is the first time you ever got a clip in. So really you are being defensive because a piece of your **** finally got polished
02-29-2012, 04:50 AM
Galaxy Angel
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sound clips
This.. didn't go anywhere. What was the point of the bit at the end?
Dave Rogers - Space Boy aka Initial D theme
What's the point of this one? It's just random music with a random scene.
Do yourself a favor and watch clips of the shows that the audio sources came from (or, in the case of the Galaxy Angel clip, Google "Pinkamena Diane Pie").
02-29-2012, 04:51 AM
So much of bitching because of this one minis. looks like people got really spoiled of epic clips from 8th and 9th minis.
Anyways, as always, mine totally independent opinion about AMV minis S2 10.
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
Can anybody tell me why I loved that Grape girl clip? XD
Also a Lucky Star clip! A flat as pancake girl asks for another flat as pancake girls for pancakes.
However video quality sucks miserably.
Cowboy Bebop/Megamind crossover. +A for an idea!
Galaxy angel Pinkie Pie!
And both of Death note clips were worth watching. A Yagami aeting a potato chip and a Ryuk who have dropped in on the ground.
02-29-2012, 04:59 AM
Do yourself a favor and watch clips of the shows that the audio sources came from (or, in the case of the Galaxy Angel clip, Google "Pinkamena Diane Pie").
I shouldn't have to. Never seen Megamind, but I sure did love it when it was put against Cowboy Bebop.
Sir Fluffykins
02-29-2012, 05:39 AM
What!? A new minis and i didn't know, waaaaah!
02-29-2012, 05:49 AM
Is the video in that Star Wars clip really from Sailor Moon? I had thought that character was from Yu Yu Hakusho.
02-29-2012, 06:07 AM
Is the video in that Star Wars clip really from Sailor Moon? I had thought that character was from Yu Yu Hakusho.
The footage is indeed from Sailor Moon, more specifically the SuperS season.
02-29-2012, 06:11 AM
Is the video in that Star Wars clip really from Sailor Moon? I had thought that character was from Yu Yu Hakusho.
Yes, it was. I'm positive since i recall the character being choked was a cross dresser. (Claimed to be female in the dub) This type of thing doesn't apply to YYH by my memory as the dub didn't try to hide it.
02-29-2012, 06:17 AM
One or two decent ones, average overall.
Sir Fluffykins
02-29-2012, 06:25 AM
I kinda liked this one, seen the Skyrim one before (AMV Yume?) thought they were all good, no bad ones to report.
Surprised about the moaning, Friendship is Magic one should be obvious, she's by herself pretending to have a party with her friends, IT'S FREAKING OBVIOUS HOW THAT AUDIO FITS TO THE SCENE. I've seen clips using the Potato chip audio before, but this one seems to be the best because it seems so much more effective with the opera music. Lucky Star using Charlie the Unicronz (sequel to Charlie the Unicorn series?) audio fits great, as did Megamind to Cowboy Beebop. Hell on the whole this should be rated as one of the best this season, there's NO bad clip -with my least liked being Lucy in the Sky, but we've got 3 pages of complaining, what's happening?
02-29-2012, 07:11 AM
I kinda liked this one, seen the Skyrim one before (AMV Yume?) thought they were all good, no bad ones to report.
Surprised about the moaning, Friendship is Magic one should be obvious, she's by herself pretending to have a party with her friends, IT'S FREAKING OBVIOUS HOW THAT AUDIO FITS TO THE SCENE. I've seen clips using the Potato chip audio before, but this one seems to be the best because it seems so much more effective with the opera music. Lucky Star using Charlie the Unicronz (sequel to Charlie the Unicorn series?) audio fits great, as did Megamind to Cowboy Beebop. Hell on the whole this should be rated as one of the best this season, there's NO bad clip -with my least liked being Lucy in the Sky, but we've got 3 pages of complaining, what's happening?
Because MLP is ****. :D
02-29-2012, 10:39 AM
i don't know if it's the worst one out of all of them
i think it has the same quality as episode 8.
the videos are of good quality but some do seem like they have been done before.
also there seems to be lacky of comendy in some of the videos.
overall and average assortment of minis but nice non the less.
quick bitch - I was under the impression that minis was primaraly for comedy videos.
since i started making and submitting videos i have a better understanding of how hard making good videos is and how hard it is to get videos excepted in to the minis.
so i respect those people that get there videos put in the minis
we also have to remember that the judges have a lot of amv to sort through and sometimes videos that we consider to be subpar are going to get in.
one last note.
i think the bar needs to have fixed point.
videos should be selected on
these cryteria
video quality
audio quality
is the sketch easy to understand
it must be 30 seconds or less
must not contain subtitles or watershed logos.
must try to be amussing to some degree but not nessercary as humour is different for each person.
02-29-2012, 12:45 PM
Though it was alright.
But I was smirking more at the concept rather than the actual clips. Like Death Note clip could had been great if it used some of the more dynamic scenes. And the Lucky Star clip should had used different shots of them talking to each other instead of re using the same clips, using scenes that matched their frustration would had improved the bit a lot. liked the houses clip quite a bit
02-29-2012, 03:28 PM
For those who care... my favorites this episode:
Cowboy Bebop
Megamind (the movie) - Intro scene
Why thank you:)
02-29-2012, 04:42 PM
Seriously though, anyone ever noticed how Minis are never announced or even registered on Coincidence, shame, or lack of drive?
Because its too much work. It would probably take around 30 minutes to enter each one in the system, because of the large amounts of anime and audio sources. And then there is the issue of listing collaborators. Most people probably have different usernames over there, so I would have to add an extra box on the entry form for people to fill out, and then a lot of people probably don't even have accounts over there.
Because its too much work. It would probably take around 30 minutes to enter each one in the system, because of the large amounts of anime and audio sources. And then there is the issue of listing collaborators. Most people probably have different usernames over there, so I would have to add an extra box on the entry form for people to fill out, and then a lot of people probably don't even have accounts over there.
Well, there is that. I'm glad you bothered responding, to say the least.
02-29-2012, 05:28 PM
I really liked the Death Note- Threw it on the ground
Also, The Panty and Stocking one was silly/cute.
02-29-2012, 06:19 PM
I liked em. All the clips were pretty funny.
I kinda liked this one, seen the Skyrim one before (AMV Yume?) thought they were all good, no bad ones to report.
This. I keep seeing this. What's AMV Yume?
02-29-2012, 06:24 PM
an AMV Hell knockoff on Youtube. started less than a year ago
03-01-2012, 12:38 AM
Well now i have gotten 11 clips into the minis!
I am actually really pleased and surprised with how well my clips have been reseved here in the last 3 minis.
Thanks guys.
This is thrillingly-thrillful
Seeing as i have 200+ amv's that i still have not shown anyone :D (although 90% of them are going into AmvTributes)
03-01-2012, 12:40 AM
And before i forget, i pissed my pants in joy, laughter and cries when i saw the diggy hole clip
03-01-2012, 01:45 AM
eh. I liked this one. Wasn't laugh out loud funny but I enjoyed plenty of them.
Also for everybody who is comparing this (and other minis) to the original AMV Hells... when was the last time you went back and watched one? There was a LOT of **** clips in the originals too. The only difference is that people only remember the good ones.
03-01-2012, 02:09 AM
im still trying to figure out dropbox to get my videos submitted
03-02-2012, 09:48 AM
grape vid -made me lol, hard yet the sync was off,i find the irony that it was a litle girl the more humorous.
johny bravo -nostalgy trip
the rest which im not mentioning were meh,some were witty but but not realy lolable.
the HOTD ones, i have no ****ing idea what i was looking at, that is all.i mean i hate ponys and even that clip had SOMETHING.
i cant realy say weather its bad or good minis,due to its being short i assume it must have lower standarts then actual hells so ill just say it was OK.
03-02-2012, 11:29 PM
Nice to get a new episode again after a while. Made me wanna pick up Darker Than Black again.
03-04-2012, 02:59 AM
:D Yay my clips accomplished something!!
03-04-2012, 04:41 AM
I'll take a potato chip! And EAT IT!!!!
That killed me!
03-04-2012, 09:34 AM
thats is one my fav videos
along with the grape video.
03-05-2012, 01:13 AM
EvilestDeath: not sure what you mean about the quality of the eva video. End of Eva *IS* widescreen, so whats the problem?
The aspect ration was 4:3 when created so it should have been square like when in full-screen with them cute black boxes on the left and right of the screen. However it looks like it was forced into a 16:9 fullscreen/widescreen lookin aspect ratio cutting off some of the top and bottom of the video.
Oh well no biggie since the jokes still there, it just alarmed me to see it fill up my entire monitor instead of being squared down for once.
The End of Evangelion
Blood on the Dance Floor - Suicide Club
I get what you were trying to do.. but it just felt entirely flat and last way to long.
A whopping 15 seconds.
03-05-2012, 02:49 PM
The End of Evangelion
Blood on the Dance Floor - Suicide Club
my mate had to explain this one to me i just didn't understand it.
i also don't understand it's comedy value.
03-05-2012, 03:29 PM
It would be confusing if the first few seconds were ignored or misunderstood. The single phrase of lyrics a few seconds in were to set up the idea behind a Heaven's Gate type mass suicide "a literal suicide club/cult" while the rest of the video just showed the units killing themselves with a lame version of seppuku to bring meaning to having lyrics in it at all.
Could it be that like domestic abuse, death just isn't funny? I must think this over, Hmmm...
Domestic abuse and death are unfunny?
03-05-2012, 03:40 PM
i'm sorry but everytime i watch the minis i can't help but think about what zarxs said about my bleach/ocarina of time cross over
amv mimis are primaraly for comedy which this lacks.
i guess zarks has a dark sense of humour.
i'm sorry for not understanding the concept behind your video.
on that can some one explain the video with the guy in hall spinning on his head and mummbling gibberish i realy don't get that one.
i don't what he's meant to be saying and it's just well imo rubbish.
He was supposed to be a wigger ( ( He was dressed like one and was acting like one.
03-05-2012, 03:45 PM
wait chavs arn't funny.
funny in the head but not funny in general.
even now i know the concept behind the video it's not going to change my opinion of it
Chavs are hilarious to laugh at. They'll challenge you to a fight, but as soon as you imply that you accept the challenge, they'll get scared and run away. Wiggers are hilarious for too many reasons to list.
Of course, I can see why you don't like that clip. It just reminded me of these things.
03-05-2012, 03:52 PM
i shouldn't be so harsh
someone put time and effort in to that video.
i think i like it less now i know it's portraying a chav/wiggle.
03-05-2012, 03:57 PM
i made the "wigger" clip and no haar, that was not really the point of it. If you love Wayne D from South Park then the joke works. If you don't watch south park, it doesnt. so jinzo.... go watch south park
I've seen much harsher things. ( When you get deep enough into any hobby, you begin to see how serious some things get and how far people will go to insult others (
Besides, if you don't like something, you don't like it. No point in sugarcoating opinions.
03-05-2012, 04:01 PM
thats true.
but opinions on the things you work hard can be annoying and sometimes upsetting.
also i'm not going to go and watch southpark i find most of it outdated now and not all that funny.
I'll admit that unfounded criticism is annoying, but when a reviewer has a valid point, there's no purpose in getting upset. If online criticism is that upsetting to a person, I'd hate to see how they'd act in the real world.
03-05-2012, 04:45 PM
What makes the clip Wayne D clip for me, is that he is going on some sorta rant that no one is paying attention to.
also, SP clip.
03-06-2012, 12:25 AM
A whopping 15 seconds.
18 seconds, but 8 seconds too long imo.
Antonio Black
03-08-2012, 06:52 AM
This episode of Minis wasn't bad, but to those bitching Zarxrax has a point.
Submit better videos, or better yet make your own videos and then see if they make the cut.
No, the judges are not infallible but they do have to slog through a few miserably bad clips before they get around to accepting ones of at least passable quality. And Jinzo's criteria listed above have been mostly universal among all the productions for a while now.
So yes complainers, there are going to be clips you don't like/don't understand. Deal with it.
AMV Hell has been, and always will be, a collaborative effort. And I feel that any contributions to the series, whether they be rejected or not, are always a good thing. So let's not **** all over it okay?
03-11-2012, 08:48 PM
Why the runaround link wise to try and download this file? Can'
t I just click a normal link and get the file without having to download some download manager file that my or may not contain Spyware?
Why the runaround link wise to try and download this file? Can'
t I just click a normal link and get the file without having to download some download manager file that my or may not contain Spyware?
Try this one (!download|755tl2|457576798|AMV_Minis_S2_01.mkv|11 7369|R~959D48848F20F52A794B6CB4B3D43CC5|0|0)
03-12-2012, 10:02 AM
**DISCLAIMER: Newbie here, so maybe I am talking out my ass.**
I liked most of the clips in this episode. No, most of them didn't make me laugh, but unless that's the exclusive (exclusive == singular purpose, with no other purpose at all) point of the mini's, then I don't see that as a problem. I mean, having spent time rewatching AMV Minis from season 1, there weren't a lot of funny clips there either, but I'd still concede that they were well made and worth being part of the collection. I mean, for god's sake, one of the best clips (in my opinion) from AMV Hell 3 was the Azu Daioh clip with the Frou Frou song, and you can't tell me for one second that that one was received/intended as humorous.
So I'm not sure what to think of the people (trolls?) who are complaining about this episode so much. Maybe your standards are just higher than mine (the interpretation here being that my standards are too low), but it's equally as tempting to think that you're just being elitist/narrow-minded, and while I would wholeheartedly support that sort of mentality in some aspects of life, I'm not sure it belongs here.
03-12-2012, 03:38 PM
i could easily agree
03-12-2012, 03:58 PM
my complaint is that according to zarxs amv minis is primaraly for comedy which even though good and well made a lot of the videos lack the comedy asspect.
this is a comment he gave me when submit a video that failed to make the cut.
this what he said
amv minis is primarly for comedy which this lacks
What I'm seeing a lot of in this thread: g
Though to be perfectly honest, some people were more than a bit out of line with their criticisms.
03-12-2012, 04:04 PM
yes they were.
everyone is entitled to an opinion as long as it voiced in a sensable and well thought out way.
03-13-2012, 07:31 AM
im still trying to figure out dropbox to get my videos submitted
It isn't terribly difficult. After you get your dropbox created and the software running on your system
You open up your Dropbox directory..
Go to the Public folder and copy the file there.
After some time the Sub-icon will change from a clock to a checkmark (after uploading, your time will vary depending on your uploading bandwidth)
After that right-click on the file
then in the submenu select the dropbox section
in that branch you should have a option to Copy Public Link.
Click that and paste it into the section for the lcation of the file in the registration for entry.
03-28-2012, 07:50 AM
To those complaining about the quality of the entries: AMV Minis can only be as good as the videos that are submitted to it. If you are unsatisfied, then submit better videos.
EvilestDeath: not sure what you mean about the quality of the eva video. End of Eva *IS* widescreen, so whats the problem?
i thought all the things i submitted were better then a lot of this one =-=
03-28-2012, 08:01 AM
I am seeing a lot of love for my PSG clip ^w^ thankies everyone. But to be honest I dont even think that was my best one, I submitted I think 4 other clips that I personally found funnier then this one and they got rejected (sadface) i think the next AMV Minis should be all the clips rejected from this one just to give a comparison. Maybe what zarx thinks isn't funny actually is
04-23-2012, 12:59 PM
So... is the 2nd season complete?
Sir Fluffykins
04-23-2012, 02:36 PM
I tought it was complete with 9, then 10 showed up.
Apparently it's AMV Hell 666 now -so not sure when Minis will appear again.
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