Heyo Guys,
I had really much trouble the last time so i had no chance to come on here again and I am really happy that I have now much more time than before.
To Guthix: Sorry but after the last trouble I cant finished your amv. Please ask someone other but the last time of my life was really hard.
I am really happy that I can now continue visiting this site again and I hava a few Question for example:
==> How is the status of AMVHELL 6
==> AMV Paradise Paradise 5
==> AMV.avi 2
I am sitting here and waiting for answer ;)
07-13-2012, 06:34 AM
Welcome back :D.
07-13-2012, 06:35 AM
to be honest i even forgot what i asked
07-13-2012, 06:35 AM
hey buddy
to be honest i even forgot what i asked
There was an One Piece AMV with KFK's Illustrated adventures :3
07-13-2012, 12:15 PM
meh its ok no one doesnt my requests anyway
07-13-2012, 12:28 PM
Who are you and why aren't you commenting on how I shaved the hair around my junk?
07-15-2012, 01:00 AM
Heyo Guys,
I am really happy that I can now continue visiting this site again and I hava a few Question for example:
==> How is the status of AMVHELL 6
==> AMV Paradise Paradise 5
==> AMV.avi 2
I am sitting here and waiting for answer ;)
first off welcome back.
amvhell 6 slow but submissions for 6 ended a few weeks ago so it should be out soon we hope.
paradise 5 I think submissions are still open on this but i think it's going well.
avi.2 not sure about this one,not sure what it is.
we are also doing alive action mini - zarks is still after more videos,I think.
avi.2 not sure about this one,not sure what it is.
Our pal EvilestDeath made his own spinoff of AMV Hell 0 a while back. We're currently working on a sequel. Submissions are still open.
we are also doing alive action mini - zarks is still after more videos,I think.
He told me that submissions were closed. Of course, he might have just meant that for me personally, seeing as how I sent in so many videos. (and I still had more ideas )
07-15-2012, 01:13 AM
Okay I don't care for avi 2 not my thing.
You mentioned you had subbmitted a few amvs it was 25 right?
maybe zarks didn't want the credits to read like this
I submitted 20, actually. And to be fair, N.P.C.C. sent in just as much as me, if not more.
Besides, the situation you described would be the fault of the editors who didn't contribute. Not mine.
07-15-2012, 09:05 AM
Sorry I just remember you mentioning it on youtube.
also I wasn't aware of N.P.C.C had donated so many.
p.s the credit thing was meant to be a bit of fun sorry if I offended you.
You didn't offend me. I just found your joke funny and wanted to add an additional note to it to make it funnier.
07-15-2012, 05:19 PM
Sometimes your humour is a bit to complex for me to understand.
So it comes across as you being annoyed with the comment I posted.
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