08-23-2012, 07:22 AM
One of the best things is watching the AMV Hell series with other people. But I'm not going to any conventions any time soon, and who knows if they'll even be showing the series. So, does anyone know where I can find some great reaction videos?

08-23-2012, 07:57 AM
Wait, wait, wait, wait... AMV HELL is...FUNNY???? I thought all reactions would be furrowed eyebrows and heavy blinking. Or well...That was my reaction.

08-23-2012, 01:25 PM
Wait, wait, wait, wait... AMV HELL is...FUNNY????
Seeing as how most people have no idea what they're doing, no, not really. A few clips are funny, but we've already had this conversation on another thread.

I thought all reactions would be furrowed eyebrows and heavy blinking. Or well...That was my reaction.
The reaction I saw to AMV Hell /0 was pretty funny. Apparently some folks don't know how to react to hentai.

And then when a few friends and I made an AMV Hell 0 clone, one of the guys had some pretty hilarious reactions with his friends as well.

08-24-2012, 04:35 AM
Meh I found the 1-5 hells to be amusing. Even found 0 to be funny. /0 was kinda neutral though, had some funny parts but I've seen much worse.