09-30-2012, 04:20 PM
Alright, since I just turned 25 today, I'm going to be taking a LoA from amvhell.
Not only from this website, but from quite a few others as well.
It's been great being here, but I want to see how long I'll last without giving in
and immediately come crawling back.
So without further ado, I bid thee farewell for now,
p.s. - If you want to talk or play a game with me I'm usually on skype and/or steam(not too many games though :(.
09-30-2012, 05:16 PM
You'll come back...THEY ALWAYS COME BACK!
09-30-2012, 10:47 PM
Yes everyone comes back.
in the end you can't escape the compelling powers of AMV Hell.
25? damn it I'm old (30yrs)
09-30-2012, 11:11 PM
25? damn it I'm old (30yrs)
OMG no way some older than me.(28)
omg no way some older than me.(28)
......you're not helping!!!
10-01-2012, 08:48 PM
I'm always helping just implying that being 25 isn't to old to be on the AMV Hell Forums.
10-06-2012, 04:25 AM
Alright, after reading replies that I've seen because of the subscription to this thread,
I feel like I should clarify why I started my LoA (only stopping by to explain)
Mainly I've been viewing pornographic materials/websites since I was about 12-ish.
It has been a major problem in my life since then. When I originally joined AMVHell
it was only to get access to 0 since I wanted a complete copy and not just random
clips that had been showing up everywhere.
Since I am also subscribed to the Bondage, lovely's, gif, and random pic's threads; lately
they have also been having more pornographic materials show up and since I was starting
a LoA, in my mind I would have to include AMVHell as well. So I've got a gmail filter where
anything new from those threads is now marked as read.....
should I ever feel like returning I'll have loads of material to look over and either save or fap to.
I'm out.
^Further proof of my theory that more people are here for porn than AMVs.
10-06-2012, 06:54 PM
Well you know what they say the internet is for porn.
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