11-04-2012, 07:38 PM
Okay, so it's fairly obvious that I'm a nerd, and a geek, and a dork all rolled into one swell tasting, vacuum packed and hermetically sealed package. I also love both Vampire the Masquerade and Vampire the Requiem, but I couldn't decide which one I liked more, as each has aspects that I like, and aspects that I don't like. For instance, I like the wide variety of Clans in Vampire the Masquerade. There are thirteen clans and even more bloodlines. However, I don't like the fact that you can only choose one of two organizations to which to belong, and I don't like the Generational 'caste system'. But I digress. The point is that I've mixed the two games, taking aspects of each (not a new concept, but oh well), and now I want to figure out some theme songs for each of the clans and the Covenants for my system. There's no practical purpose, really. It's just flavor. But it's MY flavor. So I'll show you what I have so far, and I'd love your input on the matter, including your own ideas for theme songs.

Clans and Bloodlines
Baali: Sympathy for the Devil- Rolling Stones
Brujah: Anarchy in the UK- Sex Pistols
Daeva: Sexy and I Know It- LMFAO
Gangrel: Hungry Like the Wolf- Duran Duran
Gargoyles: Indestructible- Disturbed
Giovanni: No song yet
Lasombra: Give in to the Night- Disturbed
Malkavian: Crazy Train- Ozzy Osbourne
Mekhet: Paint it Black- Rolling Stones
Nosferatu: Enter Sandman- Metallica
Ravnos: Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves- Cher
Toreador: Balrog Boogie- Diablo Swing Orchestra
Tremere: Magic Melody- DHT
Tzimisce: No song yet
Ventrue: Puttin' on the Ritz- Taco

Covenant Theme Song Artist
Belial’s Brood: Burn- Nine Inch Nails
Camarilla: Human- The Killers
Carthian Movement: Revolution- The Beatles
Circle of the Crone: Pagan Born- Inkubus Sukkubus
Disciples of Assam: The Assassin- Iron Maiden
Followers of Set: Pornography- The Cure
The Invictus: Master of Puppets- Metallica
Lancea Sanctum: Reveal the World- Brenda Vaughn
Ordo Dracul: Inner Universe- Origa
Sabbat: Miss Murder- AFI
Unaligned: You’re Not the Boss of Me Now- They Might Be Giants
VII: Rise- Origa

11-04-2012, 07:54 PM
>Anarchy in the U.K.

nice one >w<b

11-04-2012, 08:09 PM
Thank you. I'm going to try to put together a Vampire game where I go to school, though I'm not sure how many people will join.

11-04-2012, 09:03 PM
Isn't that like... complex as ****?
I'm not that big into pen and paper RP tho I'd like to someday but I figured it is harder than card games.

oh yeah also I only played Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines btw

11-04-2012, 09:58 PM
Ah, so you've played the computer version of the game? It is a little bit more complex than Dungeons and Dragons, but not so complex that it's impossible. If you like Gothic Horror games, then you might like Vampire the Masquerade. If you're into Action-Horror games, you might like Vampire: The Requiem. The two games are very different. While Masquerade focuses on the massive changes to kindred society due to the rapidly approaching Gehenna, Requiem largely focuses on the individual vampire, and his or her place in society. The social aspect is maintained, but modified slightly in Requiem with the addition of Covenants, instead of the two all powerful sects, the Camarilla and the Sabbat. In the Requiem core rulebook (And I say this because I added several more into my own ideas), there are five clans: The Gangrel, Mekhet, Ventrue, Nosferatu, and Daeva, and most of the other former clans fall under bloodlines, if they even make it into the book at all. Furthermore, there are six major Covenants: The Carthian Movement, the Circle of the Crone, the Invictus, the Ordo Dracul, the Lancea Sanctum, and Unaligned, and there are two Covenants that act as antagonists (ones that the PCs can't join). They are Belial's Brood, and VII. All vampires belong to a clan, and most belong to a covenant, assuming they aren't unaligned, which is only nominally considered a covenant.
But I'm rambling. Sorry. It's easier to go on World of Darkness Wiki: And read about both games.

11-05-2012, 02:27 AM
I actually hate the requiem, really dropped the ball with the lore.

Granted these days I mostly play Mage or Changeling anyway.

Also more complex than DnD? You must have only played 4th edition or had a DM that didn't allow supplements.

11-05-2012, 02:46 AM
No. I've never played DnD 4th edition, and I definitely have played with supplements. I just mean that for a beginning player of World of Darkness, it's more complex than a beginning player of DnD, regardless of edition, unless they really hit the ground running with DnD, supplements and all. Honestly, it's difficult to compare the two games. World of Darkness is less about combat than DnD. Even 3.5 Edition DnD has a significant combat element... And as for Requiem dropping the ball lorewise, they did that on purpose. They wanted to make the game more open as far as background, rather than blatantly implying that Christianity is the 'right' religion as they did in Masquerade. Thus, they made it so that no vampire remembers the true beginning for the Kindred. Honestly, I think it makes perfect sense. Besides, the idea of vampire blood getting 'thicker' and more potent over time rather than the arbitrary caste system of generation has more appeal to it in my opinion. But that's just me. I'm just trying to explain why I said what I said, though perhaps I explained it poorly initially.

11-05-2012, 03:59 PM
I suppose WoD is a little more difficult to get into, but it's mostly just because of all the lore stuff you need to keep in mind, DnD might not have all the fluff that's big in WoD(and remember you can make a character that doesn't care/know about stuff) but DnD's crunch is waaaaaaaaaay more complex than what WoD has going on most the time.

I know why they changed the lore for requiem but I still think it was a bad decision, it's substantially worse and is less in theme with World of Darkness. and that's the real problem because maintaining setting theme should be very important.

11-05-2012, 04:07 PM
If you guys don't mind I'll leave this here

11-05-2012, 05:56 PM
and hopefully WoD onine will have no subscription costs, more importantly though hopefully there will be expansions, on release it's only planned to have vampires, we needed mages, changelings and werewolves, maybe even geists and hunters. Granted they'd have to break the fluff a little or mages would just be OP

11-05-2012, 09:15 PM
I understand what you're saying. But I suppose it's just a matter of opinion. I personally think the background in Requiem is better. As to what you said about the fluff, you're right, there's much more 'fluff' and lore involved that's actually important in World of Darkness. I tried running a Vampire the Masquerade game with a bunch of people that had played only D&D before, and it totally fell apart because of the significant differences in style. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time.