04-03-2014, 12:22 AM
Challenge #18 was all about Unnecessary Censorship.
Which one of these clips met the challenge with the best and funniest video?
The voters have selected Video 12, by SuperJujuAwesome!

Mediafire download:

Video 01
High School of the Dead
Jonathan Coulton - Re: Your Brains

Video 02
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Chad Warden - Why the PS3 is better than the Wii and 360

Video 03
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4 sound Clip

Video 04
Devo - Whip It

Video 05
Girls Bravo
South Park - Chocolate Salty balls

Video 06
Tom Jones - What's New, Pussycat?

Video 07
Ninja Scroll
Conan the Barbarian sound clip

Video 08
Elfen Lied
Spongebob Squarepants Sound clip

Video 09
Sora no Otoshimono Forte
Disturbed - Indestructible

Video 10
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
Ice Cube - Check Yo Self

Video 11
Humnut (and Urahara1001)
Elfen Lied
Elfen Lied sound clip

Video 12
Yu-gi-oh! sound clip

Video 13
One Piece
One Piece sound clip

Video 14
Jem and the Holograms - Who Is He Kissing

Video 15
Lucky Star
Lucky Star sound clips

04-03-2014, 01:00 AM
I definitely see what you were saying before about a lot of the entries not making sense. Fortunately, I think there were also some pretty good ones this round that saved it from fox status.

04-03-2014, 02:12 AM
I don't care how well put together it is, I'm not voting for anything Jem related. It's terrible music from a stupid show and you're pushing it waaay past its welcome.

04-03-2014, 02:19 AM
Don't do that dude. You're just giving N.P.C.C. more lube to jerk off with.

04-03-2014, 02:37 AM
Alright, let's get it on, shall we?

Not a lot of winners on this round, so I'll go around each one instead of my usual method.

1. 1's got it going alright, though some of the bleeps overstay their welcome just a tad too much. Especially that one at the end.

2. Interesting, I'm sure some people do get a kick out of that Chad Warden joke. Not me, though. Sorry.

3. I could make out she meant to say "forgive me" (what I heard was "f****e me", that "e" kills ya), that speaks of a bleep misplacement.

4. It works.

5. That last beep doesn't reach enough. "Suck 'em" implies a plural subject. I only see one.

6. There's only a few words that you can imply that begin with "pussy" and are actually vulgar, one of them being pussyfart. The overall purpose of the censorship is unclear and confusing.

7. I guess there's only so much you can do with a barely understandable audio source.

8. Had to make a double take on that one. It can be a tad hard to make out the dialogue with so loud, distracting bleeps.

9. In***tructible... If I challenged you to fill in for the censored part and make a vulgar word with the result, then you'd be jolly well ****ed.

10. Lacks amount of unnecessary censorship. It just happens during one scene and the censorship doesn't visually stand out. It can easily be a "blink and you miss it" sort of ordeal for many.

11. I personally find it dishonest to go ahead and add a foreign object to the video just for the sake of censoring it. I understand the reasoning behind it (women don't leave pools of jizz), but still.

12. Easy on the bleeps now, would ye? It's easy to get carried away and effectively strip the conversation of any meaning.

13. Refer to 11.

14. Not even trying to hide it now, eh? Yes, there's no way you can call Jem's art style anime-esque, but it's the lesser of many evils in this round. The joke works well. It gets my vote.

15. It needs more "flow" in regard to the sound editing. Good ideas on the censorship and theme, though.

04-03-2014, 03:45 AM
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh....... a lot of my fears about this challenge seem to have surfaced in the results. For me it'd be between 12 and 15, since they worked the concept best.

04-03-2014, 04:12 AM
Yall need to lower your bleep volumes. Half the time i couldnt hear the audio, then a deafening bleep pops in when i turn up my volume. Also, why is everyone using those wierd-ass bleeps? Call me crazy, but they seem a pitch off from what you would hear on tv.

12 and 15 were the standouts.

glory of llama
04-03-2014, 04:36 AM
I liked 15- dem sound effects!!

Sir Fluffykins
04-03-2014, 04:40 AM
15 used creative sound efforts, went with 12.

Two have mentioned 14, but it wasn't any good to me.

04-03-2014, 04:45 AM
This was terrible, only a few clips worked and less was good.

1: This was very good....untill it over stayed its welcome and just HAAAD to go one joke too far. The last one was so forced and ruined it all.
2: This is a pretty good one except its supposed to be unnecessary censorship. That is a sex toy so....its necessary. If you censored the original image then it would be funnier too.
3: The bleep is a little off so it ruins the clip.
4: Yes this works and is a good clip.
5: The bleeps are kinda screwed up and out of place, I keep hearing the proper lyrics a tad and ruins the "illusion" also the video clip....badly censored.
6: This is not at all funny. Is it supposed to be Pussy****? pussy****? I love you?...even if thats the take it dosnt make a lick of sense. Pointless clip.
7: This clip is so filled with bleeps it makes no sense. Even if the bleeps were done better I CANNOT HEAR ANY WORDS! then the clip dosnt make sense if you took out the bleeps or let me hear words.
8: This is also muffled in audio with the bleeps overpowering the words then it should probably only be the last part that was the clip.
9: so "aaghsaahahal Become Indestructible" with an annoying beep in the middle of the word Indestructible. It makes no sense, I think you wanted to bleep dick....but it failed. I couldnt hear anything before and the visual's dont work with the audio. Its pointless as a clip.
10 This was a very very good clip...till it ruined itself and went beyond "Big BLEEEP is bad for your health" waaaay too long. a little bit maybe. Needs to be far shorter.

11: This was necessary put a penis in the needs to be censored..............the challenge is "UNNECESSARY here is the definition. unnecessary
not needed.

Lets look at what you did.


needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential.


12 This one is a very good clip, one thing ruins it maybe two. The first bleep "this Bleep dity old man" it ruins it. Then maybe Yugi's Grand father's beep was a little nonsensical. Other than that it was a decent clip.


PS you missed the chance to censor "you little runt" and make it sound like "****"

14: This is the probably the best clip. Its funny it works there is 0 flaws with it. I vote this one.

15: Nice idea however some censors get out of whack as in they are too forceful in pushing people imagination. Then it just goes on too long. Faaaar shorter would have been a good clip. Not reat a good clip. as it is...its a bad clip.

****ing horrible terrible bad 90% of you.

04-03-2014, 06:24 AM
1: I should note i actually had to slow VLC down to really "get" this one, but this time it was probably my fault. The joke is i'ight, it just goes half a chorus too long and sadly just doesn't leave much of an impression.

2: Chad Warden: Yes! Censoring what would need to be censored: No!

3: Hmm...Heard "Finger me." Makes it easier to accept the execution of the censor is obviously botched.

4: I'm getting this weird feeling that this clip was remade from its original concept just to fit with the challenge rules. Besides that, i just don't think it "clicked" that well.

5: Is this nigga serious? Did he censor "Balls"? If you were going for "dick", no dice because you let that "S" sound through. Small things like that DO matter if you ask me. Can't suspend disbelief for the duration of the clip. Sub par lip synch didn't help either.

6: "Pussy-what" ....We making up curse words now? Why didn't anyone tell me?

7: I'm sorry i....i just don't ****ing understand. Call me stupid, but can someone explain...please?

8: Oh god...THIS anime again. What's with the inconsistent editing here? (guy magically having a headset then it's just...gone) Barring that, i don't think it makes much sense and is it just me or is that end slap clearly off its intended synch with the audio track?

9: Come on! You seriously thought that would work? That was the editing equivalent of jamming a puzzle piece in where it doesn't fit.

10: First time i suspended my disbelief long enough to be somewhat amused. That is assuming "dick" wasn't actually the lyric. >_>

11: Two.....TWO......TWO TIMES THIS SHOW GOT USED!? Hmm....It's "unnecessary censorship" not "add unnecessary **** and censor it"

12: This one was quite fascinating...until it stop making a damn bit of sense. Way too much bleeps for its own good.

13: ...Read Akyho's post dude.

14: Who put Jem inside the AMVs

Who me?

couldn't be!

Then who?

*Points at OutrageousChaz*

15: To get it over with this clip makes me angry because i'm pretty sure this was the moment while watching ****ty Star that i started to contemplate suicide. So, forgive me if i am a tad bias....

The idea is solid but again, the execution falls a bit flat. For example, i wasn't feeling those animal censors as while they are something other than bleeps, they are more distracting than funny in my personal opinion. I'll give you credit on ending the right way though. That's a spot of comedic delivery there.

Okay, to sum the issues with this episode: Execution! Some lacked it, others never had it.

Most of the editing was just counterproductive and i'll point to one thing specifically for you niggas who used music....If you knew you were going to "bleep" a song track, why in the holy **** didn't you get the instrumental track of said song if possible? (Fake one in audacity if necessary) You completely negate the viewers ability to suspend their disbelief because of that and this caused me to have to re watch clips multiple times trying my damdest to not just get the joke, but just context behind it. The skits just kept dying on arrival over and over again for me.

04-03-2014, 06:48 AM
I decided not to enter a clip in for this challenge for two reasons. First, because I couldn't really think of a good clip, however, usually when this happens I just try to make a clip that will make people annoyed or angry. So my second reason was because I wanted to watch a challenge where I wasn't judging other people's clips against my own. I had hoped this would produce a more enjoyable viewing experience but it seems like I was wrong... All of these were ****!

04-03-2014, 06:55 AM
Welp. It certainly lived up to the name 'Unnecessary'

So many of those had bleeps and censors in places that made absolutely no sense. Like 06 (Pussy...f*ck? What?), 09 (In*estructible. Wow.), and 11 (She's peeing, but not out of the penis she apparently has. Anatomy fail.)

Other times, they left enough of the word un-bleeped, that you can clearly tell what the word is that they bleeped out. Like 01, 03, 05, and 08.

Others were just unintelligible, like 07 and 12.

04, 10, and 14 were the only proper ones. 13 was... Okay, I guess. I picked 04, because... Bayonetta, why the hell not, I don't know. Ugh.

04-03-2014, 06:59 AM
so I went ahead an checked up on Clip 10 after N.P.C.C said " That is assuming "dick" wasn't actually the lyric. >_> " got me wondering.

This is the unedited original lyric.

He said "Big Dicks in yo ass is bad fo yo health" I thought the joke was "implying" he was saying dick...he did say dick. THERE IS NO JOKE.

The clip is still with in the rules tho, there is black bars on the guys with BLACK suit and stag heads. Implying they have their penis out.

Except the BLACK bars are on guys with BLACK suits so it blends in and also they are not the FOCUS of the shot. Meaning you miss this edit completely.

Decent clip WRONG challenge UTTERLY WRONG challenge.

Also N.P.C.C's point on Luck star scene, I forgot and wondered why I stopped watching lucky star. It was that very scene that stopped me.

04-03-2014, 07:07 AM
Holy hell; I did miss that.

04-03-2014, 07:10 AM
Getting old there, mate. Eh?

04-03-2014, 07:12 AM
Getting old there, mate. Eh?

...You people still say "mate"?

04-03-2014, 07:18 AM
You better leave that one to ChazzyBoy. He's one of them hip kids, you know.

04-03-2014, 07:24 AM
You better leave that one to ChazzyBoy. He's one of them hip kids, you know.


I heard he's rockin' a new hair style.

04-03-2014, 10:32 AM
1.22 am? Curse you, Zarx.
You knew I was suffering withdrawal, but you just had to go and make me wait another night before I received my next dose of AMV challenge video goodness.
However- my entry is back in the position where it belongs, so all is forgiven.

The brief for this challenge was always bound to be a subject of contention with the entries, and it looks like even my entry fell into that trap…


01 – Eat your braids – The poor video quality and presence of the channel watermark could have been forgivable- but the clip went on way too long. Stopping at the 0:22 mark would have been enough.
The leap from “brains” to “(whatever body part intended)” was too big a stretch. We get what you were trying to do with the cuts to the boob and butt shots, but the synergy just wasn’t there.
^This shot in particular really was “bad stuff” material.
Think of the inner children.

02 – Vote for this entry and I’ll burn your house down – I knew I’d be tip-toeing the parameters of the brief with this one…
I wanted to avoid entering a bleeper clip (as I knew everybody else would) and tried to do something a bit more original; I found the image of Yuki Nagato holding a suggestively-shaped game-controller a little more creative and amusing.

For the sake of argument- I could claim that the controller really doesn’t need to be censored at all, because hey- it may look like a “deal-doh”, but still- it isn’t one, making this a perfectly legal case of unnecessary censorship… but yeah, Akyho and N.P.C.C.’s points are valid.

Sorry about that chaps, I just hope the execution of the clip doesn’t offend, even if its content does.


03 –“Fig me Zero” – That’s how I heard it.

04 – Whippet – The character is clearly using a whip, the song is called “Whip it”, so why is the word “whip” bleeped? Because it’s unnecessary censorship? Well, you got me there.

07 – Ninja Schcroll – I actually found this very funny- but only due to confusion. I can barely make out the lines of dialogue, the bleeps are jarring and I have no idea what’s going on.

08 – SpongeElf LiedPants – Hello darkness, my old friend.
See 07, except I couldn’t even find this one funny.

11 – This sounds familiar – Um, what’s so offensive (or not offensive/ unnecessarily offensive… what?) about the area in the red circle?

This is really, really awful, and I kind of like it.

12 – YouGheyHoe – The choice of “Oh!” as a censor image was actually quite funny. Not a bad entry at all.
However- Grandpa’s final bleep should have been truncated, and for the sake of brevity- the “Last time on YugiOh” bit should have been cut as it really didn’t serve any purpose.

13 – One finger – Yeah, you really missed an opportunity there with that “runt”.
The build-up was a little too long and we only see the bird for a split second. If the clip had started at the 3:24 mark it might have gone down better.

14 – Outmadness - Wow. It finally happened. People are boarding the Jem train!

…but there will always be some idiots.

I love the fact that last ignoramus still hasn’t figured out how to read the credits.


This round wasn’t quite the disaster I expected it to be.
You should say every challenge is shaping up to be the worst yet, Zarx. We’ll always be pleasantly surprised that way.

See you all next month.


leave [mate] to ChazzyBoy. He's one of them hip kids, you know.
For the record- I only say “m8” to people I genuinely want to make babies with.

04-03-2014, 12:07 PM
I think we have hut such a low point in clips as people have bent over (myself included) for AMV Hell 7.

If ye got a good clip you will want it remembered better in Amv hell 7 more than random challenge vid. Then ontop of that all the desperate for attention folks are ditching 7 for challenges cos they neeeeeed the attention now. Not later.

I think clip 10 the person had made long befor and did as they did just to fit the challenge. Sqaure peg round hole.

I am keeping my brain open to find a clip idea that meets the next challenge (should be fine for me) yet isnt a strong enough idea I would rather put it to Amv Hell 7.

Also kudos non the less on the edit in moooveing image. Despite trying to be too fancy you fluffed yourself. Een there done that.

I am just an editor of 3 days so such magic is alien to me...some day I wil figure it out and someday I will have a use for it.

04-03-2014, 03:38 PM
For me was between 10, 12 and 15. I really didn't understand some of them, such as the 'indestructible' one, what purpose does bleeping that word out serve? Also, as for number 14, it was pretty well done even if it was Jem again. I think the challenge after the 80s one should be something that is impossible to fit Jem to. Really make them work for it

04-03-2014, 04:30 PM
next challenge Make an amv that's so bland and boring it couldn't be considered outrageous. XD

04-03-2014, 04:46 PM
11 – This sounds familiar – Um, what’s so offensive (or not offensive/ unnecessarily offensive… what?) about the area in the red circle?

This is really, really awful, and I kind of like it.

The challenge WAS for 'Unnecessary' Censorship :3

And to be fair, the entire challenge is limited to about 3 possibilities in the first place: Implied vulgarity, implied nudity, and implied violence. None of which are particularly funny.

04-03-2014, 05:38 PM
Meh. Guess I'll be boarding the Jem Train on this one... The Yu-Gi-Oh clip, though, would have stood a pretty good chance if it hadn't been for that second half...

I really didn't understand some of them, such as the 'indestructible' one, what purpose does bleeping that word out serve?

Ind*ckstructable...? Whatever, it's still no pinnacle of humor...

04-03-2014, 06:29 PM

I knew it was coming. I do however have to express my disappointment that you didn't shop the hat in with your image. The hat is the trademark, the instant brand recognition. Just like sticking the pink wig on any old tired out whore and still having it recognized as a Jem reference.

For some of the general notes going around about quality on the minis, I know at least for myself that I like the minis challenge format as an intermediate between practice and full on work. I don't think I'm good enough at the editing thing yet to really make any serious contributions for a big project like Hell 7, but I do feel comfortable enough putting clips together for these, and I do take all the criticisms given here as part of the learning process. I've still made mistakes with them, but I don't think I've made the same mistake twice (at least where time and torrents allow). I know someone is going to chant about using Tennis for practice, but at least for me personally, I simply don't have the time available to use that sort of format. I can't speak for everyone else of course, but having a few weeks to stretch it out and find time in between other activities is much more feasible. And frankly, I don't think the quality disparity between the minis and the Hells is an issue; the minis tend to be forgotten about as soon as the voting is done, but the Hells stand out and stick around for a long time.

For de-outraging (inraging?) the next challenge, I say we cover all bases, send all the bitches back to the kitchen, and make it the manly challenge.

04-03-2014, 07:35 PM
Just my personal thoughts!

01: Not bad... just not that good either:/

02: Don't really get what's suppose to be funny:(

03: Even if the bleep is kind of off, I still liked it. Her smile at the end saved this one!

04: Works surprisingly well!

05: Meh, it's ok!

06: Good lip-synch, aaaaaand that's about it!:)

07: Can't hear a **** so don't get it...

08: Another meh clip

09: Best one with this song so far!

10: My favorite! Its very well executed and quite funny. When that rape face popped up at 2:35 I lost it! And if the real lyrics is "Big Dicks in yo ass is bad fo yo health" wouldn't bleeping the word dick so it sounds like... well dick be an unnecessary censorship? Ahh ahh see what I did there... ok maybe a little too farsighted but still one of the only clips I actually laugh at

11: Oh that's just being lazy man... weakest clip in this episode

12: Second best clip! Timed those bleeps very well and so that you actually hear what they were saying

13: 11 beaten this clip with inches of being the worst...

14: Well it's the best Jem clip so far at least...:P

15: I liked it! Not THAT funny but still a good clip
Overall it's an OK episode!

04-03-2014, 10:57 PM
I'm stuck between two clips for my vote. most of these skits just weren't that impressive imo

Moon Spirit
04-06-2014, 08:09 AM
I only found everything after 9 to be better. Everything else didn't have that much of a punchline.

04-07-2014, 09:35 PM
For the comment of choosing 14: I don't really see a lot of comedy in it, though. It is a good clip, but isn't the point of AMV Minis (and all things AMV Hell) supposed to have a great deal of comedy within a short period of time? (I do agree that many of the clips weren't very good or funny).

This was terrible, only a few clips worked and less was good.

1: This was very good....untill it over stayed its welcome and just HAAAD to go one joke too far. The last one was so forced and ruined it all.
2: This is a pretty good one except its supposed to be unnecessary censorship. That is a sex toy so....its necessary. If you censored the original image then it would be funnier too.
3: The bleep is a little off so it ruins the clip.
4: Yes this works and is a good clip.
5: The bleeps are kinda screwed up and out of place, I keep hearing the proper lyrics a tad and ruins the "illusion" also the video clip....badly censored.
6: This is not at all funny. Is it supposed to be Pussy****? pussy****? I love you?...even if thats the take it dosnt make a lick of sense. Pointless clip.
7: This clip is so filled with bleeps it makes no sense. Even if the bleeps were done better I CANNOT HEAR ANY WORDS! then the clip dosnt make sense if you took out the bleeps or let me hear words.
8: This is also muffled in audio with the bleeps overpowering the words then it should probably only be the last part that was the clip.
9: so "aaghsaahahal Become Indestructible" with an annoying beep in the middle of the word Indestructible. It makes no sense, I think you wanted to bleep dick....but it failed. I couldnt hear anything before and the visual's dont work with the audio. Its pointless as a clip.
10 This was a very very good clip...till it ruined itself and went beyond "Big BLEEEP is bad for your health" waaaay too long. a little bit maybe. Needs to be far shorter.

11: This was necessary put a penis in the needs to be censored..............the challenge is "UNNECESSARY here is the definition. unnecessary
not needed.

Lets look at what you did.


needed to be done, achieved, or present; essential.


12 This one is a very good clip, one thing ruins it maybe two. The first bleep "this Bleep dity old man" it ruins it. Then maybe Yugi's Grand father's beep was a little nonsensical. Other than that it was a decent clip.


PS you missed the chance to censor "you little runt" and make it sound like "****"

14: This is the probably the best clip. Its funny it works there is 0 flaws with it. I vote this one.

15: Nice idea however some censors get out of whack as in they are too forceful in pushing people imagination. Then it just goes on too long. Faaaar shorter would have been a good clip. Not reat a good clip. as it is...its a bad clip.

****ing horrible terrible bad 90% of you.

04-08-2014, 05:41 AM
Wow, dem AMV Hell Politics. Anyway, I finally decided to vote on one, cause why not. Went with 15 I guess. Was a toss up between that and 12 for me. With 09 probably being in the third spot. 09 Would be funny even without the bleed though, so that kinda makes it pointless in this poll.

04-12-2014, 09:33 AM
Finally made an account just vote for #14, I am singing it around the house now, pissing off my wife!

Antonio Black
04-13-2014, 04:54 AM
I was going to say 12, but then I thought 14 was still pretty catchy. They're all good though...

04-16-2014, 11:52 PM
Congrats to SuperJujuAwesome for winning with Video 12!
MADEVIL got a pretty respectable 2nd place with Video 15.
These two pretty much swept the competition.

04-16-2014, 11:58 PM
Huh. Going by the comments, I thought the outrageousness was going to take this one in a landslide.

04-17-2014, 12:11 AM
Congrats SuperJujuAwesome!

I was feeling this would be between 12 or 15 all things considered.

Also, Thanks MAD for reminding me of when i once had suicidal thoughts. That was nice...

04-17-2014, 01:58 AM
Huh. Going by the comments, I thought the outrageousness was going to take this one in a landslide.

Same. I was honestly hoping that Jem would at least win one of these challenges, given how many times she's appeared in some form or another, and this was one of the better entries...

Still, good job SuperJujuAwesome on your clip and congratulations for winning!

04-17-2014, 03:47 AM
Thanks everyone! Yu-gi-oh is a pretty ridiculous source, I just let it shine ; )

04-17-2014, 04:05 AM
Congrats, mate. Well deserved.

So, you saw through my clever ruse there, Akyho. Mwahahaha!

As a reward, you get to see the clip in all of its uncensored (audio) glory! (

Honestly though, I necessarily censored said part in order to not have any trouble with revisions on the long run, as "dick" can be considered in need of censorship by many traditional folks. The fact that the black bars didn't stand out in the video was a major factor in many people's misinterpretation about what the unnecessary censorship was.

I'll take that as a learning experience, as always.

If it's any consolation, there's a variation of Cube's Check Yo Self that says "D's" instead of "dicks". :p

04-17-2014, 05:24 AM
Congratulations to SuperJujuAwesome for winning
and MADEVIL for the very respectable 2nd.

Congratulations to me for making the most misunderstood clip (once again)!
The joke here was supposed to be "Pussy, Pussy, I love you"
and I presented 2 ways to interpret that with the video.
Sorry I didn't get through on that one =/

04-17-2014, 05:25 AM
03 –“Fig me Zero” – That’s how I heard it.

Actually, given how the VA pronounced 'forgive' as 'fihgive' and that I tried to cut the second half of the word (so it wasn't an overly long F**************), you heard it fairly accurately

I'd actually stolen the idea from myself, so it was doomed to go poorly

04-17-2014, 01:08 PM
The winning clip is a clip that was decent and fell completely within the rules. Twas a worthy win, a few tweaks and it would have been perfect assuring the win.

Congrats, mate. Well deserved.

So, you saw through my clever ruse there, Akyho. Mwahahaha!

As a reward, you get to see the clip in all of its uncensored (audio) glory! (

Honestly though, I necessarily censored said part in order to not have any trouble with revisions on the long run, as "dick" can be considered in need of censorship by many traditional folks. The fact that the black bars didn't stand out in the video was a major factor in many people's misinterpretation about what the unnecessary censorship was.

I'll take that as a learning experience, as always.

If it's any consolation, there's a variation of Cube's Check Yo Self that says "D's" instead of "dicks". :p

The bars show up better in the uncensored version the black bars show up far greater, still a little off focus and room for misinterpretation. Its awkward to make it the main focus however works perfect as a totally uncensored clip.

Censoring dick is different for each place. Sometimes over here in the UK "You ass" gets censored other times it flies. 70's show would be shown on one channel at 1pm and Red would say "You Jackass!" while it would get shown on another channel at 8pm and it would go "you Jack________" and just mute the sound.

Sometimes Dick is censored here aswell.

Now if we transplant to America ass can be thrown around while "Sod" IS censored. Matt Groening delighted as he took an award a few years ago saying he loves the UK's censorship it allows for more freedom. Such as his favorite joke he got past the FCC was "SOD OFF" when Bart was supposed to resod the school he wasnt incorrect of his use of the word so he got away with it.

However if he follow George Carlin on the subject. Dick is not mentioned. ****/pecker and the likes just not Dick.

Number 15 makes me feel weird, the joke was implied in the anime itself. slap on some censores on objects makes folks giggle cos of weird noises second place. My complaint is the anime did 95% of the work.

I suppose 5% or 99% effort be it First second or third, its far better than what came in fourth.......the one piece one finger clip....nope......nope......nope....just nope.

Ps I am a name is Richard.

04-18-2014, 09:27 AM
I decided not to enter a clip in for this challenge
All of these were ****!
Sorry to let you down, Boss.
I thought we would be saved somehow, but HaarSaviour decided to forsake us. Why? I wonder.

They're all good though...
Blimey. You must think of McDonalds as haute cuisine…

The joke here was supposed to be "Pussy, Pussy, I love you"
and I presented 2 ways to interpret that with the video.
Huh? Don’t you mean you presented it 1 way… twice? Either way, this blows my mind.

The bars show up better in the uncensored version the black bars show up far greaterYou should stop posting whilst intoxicated, Aky.

Going by the comments, I thought the outrageousness was going to take this one in a landslide.The youtube kiddies seemed to favour #15 more than any other in the comments section.
This, and the fact that 25% of the voters here actually thought such a lazy and anti-comedy entry was deserving of the win really makes me lose faith in humanity.

Thankfully however- democracy came through once again and selected a deserving winner in the end. The current record stands at 88% accuracy.

Challenge 19 will be Jem’s time to rise. In the meantime, I have three people’s houses to burn down…

04-18-2014, 09:36 AM
Congrats! I liked both 12 and 15 out of all of them, so either would have been good to win

04-18-2014, 09:59 AM
I thought we would be saved somehow, but HaarSaviour decided to forsake us. Why? I wonder.

I suddenly remembered that a video of a bunch of naked Japanese guys fighting actually would have to be censored.

04-18-2014, 11:20 AM
Pity, more Crying Freeman would be welcome in AMV Hell.

04-19-2014, 08:46 AM
This, and the fact that 25% of the voters here actually thought such a lazy and anti-comedy entry was deserving of the win really makes me lose faith in humanity.

I'm calling bull****. You never had any faith in humanity to begin with.

05-10-2014, 09:16 AM
Well I didn't expect to get 2nd place out of that clip, it was a last minute random idea. I made that clip at literally the very last possible moment and submitted it a few minutes before Zarx closed the thread. N.P.C.C, any time you need some suicidal thoughts let me know. Thanks to those who voted for me.