01-24-2016, 07:35 PM
"But if you support the idea of AMV Hell--if its something important to you, it will still live on... through you." - Zarxrax
For those who felt disappointed while reading through "The Future of AMV Hell" (, this was the closing line that left a glimmer of hope for the many longtime viewers and contributors of AMV Hell.
If you've taken on starting an AMV Hell style project of your own, this thread is for you. You can post a link in this thread or pm me directly. I'll keep a catalog of existing projects in this main post.
Others can lend support to these projects by their viewership, or better yet, contributing as an editor.

AMV Hellspawn
An AMV Hell style spin-off started by myself with help from SilentChaz and MADEVIL.
Existing releases: AMV Hellspawn 01 - Kickstarter (, AMV Hellspawn 02 - Reloaded (, AMV Hellspawn 03 - Hell's Pawn (

You may remember them from the Clip Compilation Contest. If you enjoyed the first AMVRIP, then consider checking out their newest release "AMVRIP + AMVRIP 2 Remix".
Existing releases: AMVRIP (, AMVRIP + AMVRIP 2 Remix (

The Curse Of The Idol
An AMV Hell style project by purplepolecat.
Existing releases: YouTube (, (

01-25-2016, 05:48 AM
We really appreciate your support by including us in this thread, Law. With two compilations being worked on separately, I think the content between them should do nicely with keeping our medium alive, as a hobby for some and as entertainment for others. You guys have our full support, as well and we hope that each Hellspawn episode continues to come together with good quality and humor.

01-25-2016, 10:57 AM
It would be nice to see both projects really take off, and interesting to compare the two communities after such happens. I myself will try and be involved both ways.

Speaking of which, any plans to make your own forum if AMVRIP takes off, chickenscratch?

01-25-2016, 04:53 PM
We really appreciate your support by including us in this thread, Law.
We can both thank Zarx for offering up the front page in the first place.

01-25-2016, 06:57 PM
We can both thank Zarx for offering up the front page in the first place.

That was nice of him.

Simultaneously though, I doubt he cares enough to say "lol, **** no". Then again he'd likely say still say yes if he did care enough, so long as he didn't feel like you would abuse it or something.

01-25-2016, 10:45 PM
I think a plan for some sort of forum or anything of the type may come up later, depending on how we do with this sequel as well as if anyone else would be interested in the creation of one.

01-25-2016, 11:15 PM
I figured you'd do something like this after things haven't really hit over there as much as you might've expected they would, Law.

Well, at least you're trying something more relatively overt now, let's see how it turns out. Best of luck.

04-15-2016, 07:48 AM
I hope this all works out in the end.

04-17-2016, 02:24 AM
Shh, no dreams. Only tears now.

08-07-2016, 10:29 PM
Hey folks, been a fan here for a long time, first time posting in here.
I want to say is that there's a good lot of videos out on youtube that follow the feel of amvhell.

Though it doesn't have the feel of community it's certainly something if, like me, you can't have enough of amvhell :)

08-08-2016, 02:18 AM
I like the sentiment but you have some stiff competition in the youtube arena which would make these projects just poof into the ether since it doesn't properly carry the amv hell name. I would much rather see the name "AMV HELL" passed under new management than see community projects passed off as copycats to be the last gasp of air.

08-08-2016, 09:25 AM
There's "stiff competition" in the youtube arena? Where?
I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious.

Raolin Darkbane
08-08-2016, 10:00 AM
There's "stiff competition" in the youtube arena? Where?
I'm not being sarcastic, I'm genuinely curious.

I think he was referring to the YT algorithm only showing popular projects with recognizable names, not to the quality of the competition.

08-09-2016, 02:12 AM
I think he was referring to the YT algorithm only showing popular projects with recognizable names, not to the quality of the competition.

correct, also to add this type content is oversaturated on youtube these days so the name helps immensely...

08-15-2016, 08:11 AM
THINKS YALL!! I suck at computer stuff I don't think I could ever do stuff like these videos but I love yall that do they make my day :)

08-15-2016, 03:53 PM
What about AMV Hell HD?

08-15-2016, 09:54 PM
Let's not kid ourselves here. There's no ****ing good competition in the entirety of YouTube. Sturgeon's Law applies to the net especially.

You just need to buckle up and make a good quality product, and be straightforward about it. If you've got mediocre creators, you're going to attract other mediocre creators, and you're going to get mediocre content. Basically, if you start getting lax with your standards of entry, you can't realistically expect for your **** to take off. This also applies if most of the content is created by the same people and you can't play hardball with your own work.

You could argue that it takes time to build a good community, but can you afford to do so now? After entirely throwing away what you had already? Who's going to trust you to not **** it up again? "No respectable person" is the answer, it takes a certain kind of person with some actual vision and leadership values to be able to inspire some confidence in a project.

You still got some chickens in the pen, you just need to learn how to round them up properly. Who knows? Maybe you get more quality meat in the long run that puts Pilgrim's Pride's to shame, but you've got to start thinking big. People aren't going to learn to love what they're doing if you just go ahead and chew the food for them and spit it in their mouths every time. They've got to have some sort of desire to learn, otherwise they're going to wither away with what little they know (and find out) about video editing. Copying and pasting things that worked in here without reflecting on how or why they did so isn't going to do you any favours either, since you're likely repeating the same mistakes that occurred there. Adapt and survive. Or do you really want to live on forever in "life support" mode, like Hell does at the moment? Hell, most communities don't have enough unproductive people to do that. Remember Blitz? Remember how they were fueled by hatred against AMV Hell? That didn't last either. Just goes to show how time washes away everything if people stay in one place doing nothing but bitch without reason.

The Org is dying because of similar reasons, and no amount of AMV Contests, studios, and "I tried" incentives is going to save them from what's coming next: a well deserved death by starvation. Just because their administrators didn't find it important to keep up with the times and keep the cogs moving. A damn shame, since that place has VERY good info and guides about the basics of audio and video. Something YouTube AMV makers in general could learn a thing or two about.

Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it.
Don't let the same happen to you, it hurts everyone more than it hurts you every time this kind of **** happens.

08-16-2016, 05:32 AM
You're not seeing the point it's not about theory or law it's about not carrying the name, If you want to start a community project under a new name and website then have at it. It's not the same as "Amv Hell", either make it community operated or **** off being no better than gifs with sound.

12-05-2016, 04:39 AM
I made a 5 minute Hell-style project, can it be added to the list?
It's a finished project, not a work in progress.

The Curse Of The Idol

12-05-2016, 04:56 AM
I made a 5 minute Hell-style project, can it be added to the list?
It's a finished project, not a work in progress.

The Curse Of The Idol

Katana Nova Cat
12-16-2016, 05:17 AM
I've been working on a thing called Mashup Distortion World. It's not exclusively focused on anime (it's more of an anything-goes kind of thing), but it's otherwise very similar in concept. So far I've been making the clips myself, but some of them were suggested to me by other people.

Unfortunately, Sony Vegas absolutely hated the first one I tried to make so it's kind of a glitchfest (plus, I have limited bandwidth and sometimes can't afford to go looking for high quality videos for use in editing, or can't find them, which doesn't help). Sorry about that.

12-25-2016, 06:34 PM
Nova, there is a nifty little trick if you are using chrome (and if the strem video is up to snuff with your needs) that if you hit Ctrl+Shift+J before you load/run the video you can see the direct link to it.

If it doesn't help you, maybe it will help someone else.

None the less, does anyone know if people are still doing Hell like spinoffs? Kinda got an itch. (been YEARS)

12-25-2016, 06:53 PM
Does anyone know if people are still doing Hell like spinoffs? Kinda got an itch. (been YEARS)

Depends on what you are looking for, some have been talked about in this thread or in other posts on AMV Hell. Are you looking for something to view or contribute to, below are some that you might want to look into for either.

There is AMV Hellspawn - AMV HELLSPAWN (

There is AMVRIP - AMVRIP 2 Announcement (

And last but not least if you are a fan AMV Hell 0's then there is AMV.avi - AMV.avi (“AMV-avi”-5-Year-Anniversary-and-“A-AMV-Film”)

05-14-2017, 08:51 PM
Anything new going around?

Seems like Robot Chicken AND AMVHell are both totally dead.

05-15-2017, 06:40 AM
Read the post above yours, Tanis. That's all we got.

06-25-2017, 12:30 AM

06-25-2017, 03:26 PM
^ this is (not) supposed to be in this thread.

06-25-2017, 03:40 PM
^ this is (not) supposed to be in this thread.

oh. sorry where should i have put it?

06-25-2017, 09:08 PM
This thread is meant for current projects that are open for submissions. Your completed project should be in the AMV Self Promotion Thread (

06-25-2017, 10:03 PM
Yeah, tell that to purplepolecat.

06-25-2017, 11:16 PM
Okay will do. I'd open for submissions, but frankly my quality is garbage so XD I think I'll just keep it a solo deal. Thank you sir.

07-03-2017, 07:34 AM
Wow, AMV Hell at an end and some new projects on the horizon. It feels like the end of an age. I have been on the periphery for some time now. Downloading from the torrent every few years, when I didnt migrate my drive and needed a new copy or just keeping up, playing it on youtube, being frustrated when youtube disables sounds..... I digress. First, thank you to the creators, content creators, community members for keeping this going as long as it did.... amazing. Second, you have made an impact of the culture of content, anime, and music. I rarely talk about anime without talking about AMV. I have watched new anime and listen to music I would not have if it was not for AMV. I plan on showing AMV to about five friends tonight, after a inaugural D&D session. I watch the slow pace of my torrent, like sands through an hour glass. Another time passes by, another page of history turned, remembered by few, held dearly.