05-14-2011, 03:41 PM
Yes, another new episode right off the heels of the last one! :D
I'll now explain a bit more about the selection process for videos, and how it has changed. As announced last week, 2 new helpers are assisting me with the selection process. The 3 of us may add some discussion to your entry threads before finally making a decision. While I will personally make the final decision for each video, their opinions will greatly influence the result.
If you see a 5-star rating appear beside your video, that means it was accepted. If your thread is closed, that means it was rejected (though all threads are eventually closed).
So far I think it has been working well. You will be able to see the results of their influence starting from Episode 4.
And now, on to the credits.
Full Metal Alchemist
The Muppet Movie - Movin' Right Along
Dragon Ball Z
Price Of Persia Parody
Highschool of the Dead
Red Dwarf - "Abandon Ship!"
Ryan Fornelius
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Queen - You're My Best Friend
High School of the Dead
G.I. Joe Theme
Bill Ein
Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
Joe 'Bean' Esposito - You're The Best
Full Metal Panic
Family Guy - Jackass Parody
Full Metal Alchemist
Alice Cooper - He's Back (The Man Behind The Mask)
Goku Midnight Eye
GI Joe Spoof - Motorcycle sound clip
The Lazer Collection - Shoop Dah Woop
My Neighbor Totoro
Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Lucky Star
Talladega Nights sound clip
Suger Ray - When It's Over
Chewi105 & mattroks101
Death Note
Pong sound effects
Living in a Box - Living in a Box
Yu Yu Hakisho
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope - Jawa sound clip
The Last Visible Dog
Ren & Stimpy sound clip
Peter Hopkins
Skip Beat
Lonely Island - On the Ground
Serial Experiments Lain
Little Nicky sound clip
Bill Ein
Rosario + Vampire, Disco Dancer
Parvati Khan - Jimmy Jimmy Ajaa
05-14-2011, 03:42 PM
yay! next episode, i hope to see some clips i judged :p
05-14-2011, 03:44 PM
Woot! New episode!
05-14-2011, 03:44 PM
Sweet, stay up way too long paid off with AMV love
05-14-2011, 03:44 PM
All right! It's out!
05-14-2011, 04:00 PM
Well I though it was better then the last episode.
05-14-2011, 04:05 PM
Some clips dragged on for too long.
Whenever lip syncing was used, it was horrible.
This is more of a personal issue, but some clips had songs we've heard before. The clips seem to be humorless and just plain stale whenever songs that have been previously featured in a Hell or Mini are included into a new clip.
Season 1 > Season 2
05-14-2011, 04:13 PM
Well yes, same songs, same scenes. Although very first and very last clips wasn't so bad.
05-14-2011, 04:13 PM
I greatly enjoyed this episode.
05-14-2011, 04:18 PM
I have to agree with backmask, felt alittle deja vu.
05-14-2011, 04:29 PM
This episode was better.
I liked the Shinji/Kaworu clip quite a bit. But I had to make myself stop thinking "It's so much better when they KISS". Sometimes a clip is classic and those scenes should not be used again....
The Totoro Clip made me smile.
....and DBZ, Naruto, and FMA are just going to keep getting older. As will Evangelion.
Although the first FMA clip was still pretty good.
05-14-2011, 05:41 PM
Enjoyed it.
- FMA clip with behind the mask = FREAKOUT!
- That lucky star one gave me a good chuckle
- That last clip had me rollin.
05-14-2011, 06:08 PM
There were a few good ones.
I thought the Death Note pong one was clever.
05-14-2011, 06:17 PM
Thanks for getting this out so soon! Muppet one was awesome!
05-14-2011, 06:26 PM
Hell yeah! THIS is what the last one should have been like. Very good.
yay! next episode, i hope to see some clips i judged :p
Good to hear you didn't approve that one with "Threw it on the Ground" I would have been so pissed >.<
05-14-2011, 07:31 PM
Some clips dragged on for too long.
Whenever lip syncing was used, it was horrible.
This is more of a personal issue, but some clips had songs we've heard before. The clips seem to be humorless and just plain stale whenever songs that have been previously featured in a Hell or Mini are included into a new clip.
Season 1 > Season 2
dude I agree. what ever happened to showing AMVs with SKILL instead of just a minor chuckle at the end? its like any kid can throw in some comedy sketch and it gets accepted, while those of us who work on the little details get denied just because the humor isnt appreciated by the judge.
sigh, had fun watching the episode though
05-14-2011, 07:46 PM
This was a really funny Episode
I laughed pretty hard at the Dragonball Z, Naruto, Lonely Island and Star Wars clips
I thought the Naruto/Ren & Stimpy one was really clever
05-14-2011, 07:52 PM
I'm surprised by all the complaining about reused clips. I suppose that in my old age, I'm not able to remember some of the past scenes anymore. Honestly the only song that I knew has been used before was the Living in a Box one. And the DBZ one feels strangely familiar, yet I can't place it.
In any case, the new help should be able to assist in weeding out reused ideas.
05-14-2011, 08:05 PM
Yeah, I'm fine with a clip reusing audio from an earlier amv in AMV Hell or the minis just to pay tribute to that clip, but now I have to agree that it's getting a little out of hand. Though you could argue that there are about 5 or so hours of audio that are now marked off limits thanks to all the Hells and Minis. So it does make it a little more difficult to be original.
05-14-2011, 08:29 PM
The clips that were already done before were:
1. The Dragon Ball Z clip. The exact same idea but different audio was used before.
2. To be honest the whole laser thing is getting old. It was just used in episode 2.
(And I know I've seen it used before that somewhere...)
3. I remember "The Cardboard Box" song was used in one of the Hell Movies. It hasn't been used so much, but I just didn't really like the clip either.
4. The "Threw It On the Ground" clip was used before. But I actually still liked that one.
I don't mind clips being reused but.... once it's been used more than twice, three times MAX it shouldn't be reused again. A joke told over & over just loses it's value.
But there were a lot of good clips in this episode and I still enjoyed it regardless.
05-14-2011, 09:07 PM
2. To be honest the whole laser thing is getting old. It was just used in episode 2.
(And I know I've seen it used before that somewhere...)
Do you mean the one in the first season? (The "Doctor Octogonapus" one)
I didn't mind that clip too much, but I definitely agree that all this overused audio is definitely getting out of hand...
05-14-2011, 09:22 PM
I wouldnt mind it being overused if it was actualy funny, or if they actualy put some work into MOUTH SYNCING FFS!
05-14-2011, 10:21 PM
And the DBZ one feels strangely familiar, yet I can't place it.
That exact same scene was used in Minis Season 1. The joke just involved profanity rather than crying.
I have to admit that once in a while, the second time a song is used WAAAAY outdoes the first time. The "Starin' Down the Barrel of a 45" joke in AMV Hell 5 is a good example (in my opinion, at least...that one makes me roll on the floor). But if a clip is classic, the sound from it should not be reused.
05-14-2011, 10:49 PM
soo... can we still submit clips for the non anime one? cause i just finished a few
05-14-2011, 11:41 PM
I'm surprised by all the complaining about reused clips. I suppose that in my old age, I'm not able to remember some of the past scenes anymore. Honestly the only song that I knew has been used before was the Living in a Box one. And the DBZ one feels strangely familiar, yet I can't place it.
In any case, the new help should be able to assist in weeding out reused ideas.
I like re-used clips man.
:praise:Re-used jokes:praise:
Because I like when I know a joke.:sweatdrop:
05-15-2011, 12:24 AM
I wouldn't call it a joke... I like the term funny subliminal messaging. If that makes any sense XD
05-15-2011, 02:07 AM
I thought that this was an excellent episode with much to recommend it. People are really being too knee-jerkingly quick to complain about 'reused clips', particularly when it isn't really the case - both the Dragonball clip and the Skip Beat clip (which also used a different part of the song to the Dennou Coil clip from an earlier Mini) did feature different spins on their concepts, so it's unfair to dismiss them so readily.
05-15-2011, 03:41 AM
2. To be honest the whole laser thing is getting old. It was just used in episode 2.
(And I know I've seen it used before that somewhere...)
awww, harsh.
sadness...I thought my "motorcycle laser" clip would have at least gotten points for using a strange old anime that's never been used before.
unfortunately I submitted that clip back before S2 Ep1 came out, so I guess I cant blame people for being unimpressed when a similar clip was just in Ep2 before this one.
Oh well *shrug*
05-15-2011, 06:54 AM
WHOOH! Lead clip! I was really jazzed about that. I'm extremely happy with the group of clips in this episode (definitely agreed with Zarx that the Man Behind the Mask submission was better than mine).
I do have one more FMA idea, but I may wait a bit before submitting it.
Thanks for getting this out so soon! Muppet one was awesome!
Glad you liked it! It was an idea that I have had for a while, but could not realize due to the limitations of my previous system. I'm hoping to do a couple more Muppet-themed clips in the future.
*Edited for insomnia-related grammar issues*
05-15-2011, 07:20 AM
Do you mean the one in the first season? (The "Doctor Octogonapus" one)
I didn't mind that clip too much, but I definitely agree that all this overused audio is definitely getting out of hand...
No, episode 2 & 3 both used "Shoop da whoop".
Although they did use "Doctor Octogonapus" in season one.
Which was funny at the time.
But two episodes in a row is a bit to much for me.
But as I said I still enjoyed this episode overall.
05-15-2011, 07:33 AM
Loved the Muppet clip, brought me back to my childhood man, nostalgic. the "firing my laser" is getting old, but not because it's been used before in amv mini's/ hell, but because I've seen it used in so many different things. sorry, but it isn't as funny as it used to be. I liked the Kenichi clip as well. Didn't like the Clannad clip, It felt odd to me. And I did not get the whole Jimmy thing, that one sailed right over my head. and to whoever made the DBZ clip, copy cat.
Also, everyone should start working on their lip syncing if that is what your joke is going to be around. It doesn't have to be perfect, just better. or not, dose it really matter? If the jokes are funny, then why not?
And as a last note, is anybody going to do a south park joke with Totoro? I'm mean the epsiode with cartman manipulating Cthulu? it seems like an easy joke to me. . .
05-15-2011, 08:24 AM
ill be completely honest i liked the credits more then the whole mini... im not sure if im old enouth to whine that everything was reused but it just wasnt god dam funny.
05-15-2011, 02:04 PM
I mean I would complain about the reused part but some of the songs people are complaining about are from amvhell 3 or 4; I mean those are years old so it's bound for the song to get used and for the anime; face it some people get theirs from the mainstream after all that is how I was at first and it does help make the joke stick out because people have seen that anime too more than offstream anime
05-15-2011, 03:58 PM
About the "laser" one, I honestly didn't even consider that to be a "laser" clip when I watched it, because that part takes up a fraction of a second. I considered it more of a "I wanna ride my motorcycle" clip.
05-15-2011, 04:16 PM
dude I agree. what ever happened to showing AMVs with SKILL instead of just a minor chuckle at the end? its like any kid can throw in some comedy sketch and it gets accepted, while those of us who work on the little details get denied just because the humor isnt appreciated by the judge.
sigh, had fun watching the episode though
If any of you had actually watched the first season you would notice that every episode was about the quality of this latest episode if not worse. There were audio problems, poorly used jokes and already overused jokes then. Not to mention Family Guy haven.
"Don't rely on nostalgia people, your childhood wasn't that great." - Reality
And I really admire some of the bad clips that get in, it gives the minis a style of their own where you get to see the progress of AMV animators on this site. Zarxrax finds something he likes or sees the potential in a joke and gives that person confidence to keep trying and hopefully trying to get a clip or two in the AMV hell movies. It's very homely that way. Now I do not like "bad" clips in just ones that are good enough, perfection is to much to demand from every episode. Season 2 episode 2 still sucked! lol
05-15-2011, 08:13 PM
lol ok i loved the pong clip
05-16-2011, 05:34 PM
Don't know what everyone is complaining about the sync throughout most of the mini's were done pretty well, you guys are just being to analytical about the way the amv was made instead of enjoying the episode like its supposed to be >.>
05-16-2011, 06:31 PM
If any of you had actually watched the first season you would notice that every episode was about the quality of this latest episode if not worse. There were audio problems, poorly used jokes and already overused jokes then. Not to mention Family Guy haven.
"Don't rely on nostalgia people, your childhood wasn't that great." - Reality
And I really admire some of the bad clips that get in, it gives the minis a style of their own where you get to see the progress of AMV animators on this site. Zarxrax finds something he likes or sees the potential in a joke and gives that person confidence to keep trying and hopefully trying to get a clip or two in the AMV hell movies. It's very homely that way. Now I do not like "bad" clips in just ones that are good enough, perfection is to much to demand from every episode. Season 2 episode 2 still sucked! lol
actualy on a whole, season one re-used alot of clips and anime, not so much the audio. but what bugs me is how a a clip can be denied simply because it isnt funny. so that pretty much means it could be ****ing awesome, but not funny at all and therefor get rejected. not only that, but a clip could have the best ****ing lip-syncing and still get rejected on account of it not being funny.
all the while, we just seem to get half-assed clips with a punch-line at the end from some kid who threw it together in 15 minutes.
thats not to say there arnt any good clips, cuz every episode has at least one I love, and I sure as hell aint perfect with my clips, (actualy most of my stuff prolly sucks hard) but I think the system could use a bit of a re-think
05-16-2011, 06:40 PM
if there was any vidoes 1/4rth as awsome as this one and rejected then this project is going downhill
05-16-2011, 07:03 PM
if there was any vidoes 1/4rth as awsome as this one and rejected then this project is going downhill
exactly! see that was awesome (I still dont get why people like OP, but thats beside the point) but reletively lacked humor, that pretty much seems to mean a clip like this would get rejected
05-16-2011, 07:06 PM
Oh boy... I can't say it was worse than episode two, but it's still way far from being as fun as the 7 second clip one...
I don't know why, but some of these clips, apart from being unfunny, don't even seem to have an actual "rhythm" of some kind. Take the "Living in a box" clip; all the images that are shown barely seem to connect with the words and rythm of the song, that the old original clip from the "Hell" at least had (didn't enjoy that one too much though...)
Also, as almost everyone has agreed on up to now, just because a clip has a (weak) punchline at the end doesn't essentially make it Minis-worthy.
Not to mention the Fumoffu!/Shotgun to the face clip that, I'm sorry to say, but when I first watched it, the only thing that came to my mind was "Wow, this sounds almost like the kind of humor I have!"
Believe me, you wouldn't want to find yourselves my ability to tell jokes...
Anyway, on the lighter side, I must say that first clip gave me a nice warm feeling for almost no reason (I can barely remember the Muppets by now), but it still was very enjoyable to watch, and I must say it was probably the brightest thing of this overall disappointing episode.
05-16-2011, 09:45 PM
but what bugs me is how a a clip can be denied simply because it isnt funny. so that pretty much means it could be ****ing awesome, but not funny at all and therefor get rejected. not only that, but a clip could have the best ****ing lip-syncing and still get rejected on account of it not being funny.
It's interesting...SSG has always seemed more interested in including clips that are well made but not necessarily "funny". They seem to be there for atmospheric purposes, or to induce awe.
His Cat Soup Clip from 3 comes to mind (that one always blows me away, but never makes me laugh), and a lot of the clips from AMV Hell V (such as Death Note/10 Days Since You Looked At Me clip, Paprika/Sleephead piece, and NGE/So Long And Thanks For All The Fish) don't have a punchline (all of those are ones that I like, but which don't make me giggle with laughter. They just induce smiles).
Different directing styles?
05-16-2011, 09:51 PM
if there was any vidoes 1/4rth as awsome as this one and rejected then this project is going downhill
Rise Against= ****
Prayer for a Refugee= ****
One Piece= The best of the Big Three, but still ****.
05-16-2011, 10:03 PM
meh, Rise Against's earlier songs were better back in the day
05-16-2011, 11:49 PM
I just had to remove my mask...
I laughed, thanks and good work.
05-17-2011, 12:33 PM
man, so much negativity for something that's just supposed to be good easy fun and entertaining.
05-20-2011, 12:20 AM
not to be spoiled or anything, but is there any word on the next episode?
05-20-2011, 12:51 PM
Rise Against= ****
Prayer for a Refugee= ****
One Piece= The best of the Big Three, but still ****.
dunno whats rise againt lol
maybe for your tastes buddy
im not saying its awsome because its one peace im saying because the added clips in sync and sence on a godly level. same guy also made this i think.[or atleast uploaded lol]
05-20-2011, 01:21 PM
man, so much negativity for something that's just supposed to be good easy fun and entertaining.
Its not negative at all, It's plain criticism at its finest and theres nothing negative about criticism. Its a wonderful and powerful learning tool.
05-20-2011, 01:54 PM
Its not negative at all, It's plain criticism at its finest and theres nothing negative about criticism. Its a wonderful and powerful learning tool.
Only if the criticized party is willing to learn from the criticism, if not then it was worthless. But I agree, it's never negative.
05-21-2011, 09:49 AM
i dont know lol ive seen zero puctuation
05-23-2011, 02:15 AM
I needuh make one soon.
Antonio Black
06-03-2011, 10:26 PM
****in....god...I'm away to fix my computer and this happens? Ya'll need to slow down..give me a chance to submit stuff...damn...
01-08-2012, 12:54 AM
Honestly the only song that I knew has been used before was the Living in a Box one.
3. I remember "The Cardboard Box" song was used in one of the Hell Movies. It hasn't been used so much, but I just didn't really like the clip either.
Take the "Living in a box" clip; all the images that are shown barely seem to connect with the words and rythm of the song, that the old original clip from the "Hell" at least had (didn't enjoy that one too much though...)
I'm willing to admit that my clip totally sucked but I did try to make sure beforehand that the song hadn't been used before. Can anyone point me to exactly where it was used in the past?
01-08-2012, 12:58 AM
I'm willing to admit that my clip totally sucked but I did try to make sure beforehand that the song hadn't been used before. Can anyone point me to exactly where it was used in the past?
It was in AMV Hell 4 (, clip #87.
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