06-30-2011, 01:09 AM

06-30-2011, 01:26 AM
I loath reading those articles, not because they are bad, no I loath them at how sickening they assume people who read "manga" are. Its like they are kids in High School who believe all anime is "cartoon porn", it is very, very disturbing how we are being labled as ****philes for mere possession of a Magical Girl manga. Not only that, if convicted, that man can never have a normal life, since being convicted means SEX OFFENDER in the U.S. which means he cannot walk his kid to school, cannot come within a couple hundred feet of a school or school property, cannot be in the vicinity of kid whose not his own (alone), being on a list that says 'you are a ****phile' and all the other bull**** that entails.

It really, really, sickens me, for someone like me who has a "interesting collection" I'm also scared to leave the country since someone can easily the art style of my collection amounts to ****philia (even if they are clearly adults).
Then again I forgot there is no difference between real life in fiction, murdering a bunch of people in GTA is fine, but having an image of magical girl automatically makes you a ****phile? ****.

06-30-2011, 02:03 AM
I read it here, http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/18.297134-Amercian-arrested-for-Child-Porn-by-Canadian-customs-who-found-manga-on-his-computer

CP Lol

06-30-2011, 02:04 AM
I loath reading those articles, not because they are bad, no I loath them at how sickening they assume people who read "manga" are. Its like they are kids in High School who believe all anime is "cartoon porn", it is very, very disturbing how we are being labled as ****philes for mere possession of a Magical Girl manga. Not only that, if convicted, that man can never have a normal life, since being convicted means SEX OFFENDER in the U.S. which means he cannot walk his kid to school, cannot come within a couple hundred feet of a school or school property, cannot be in the vicinity of kid whose not his own (alone), being on a list that says 'you are a ****phile' and all the other bull**** that entails.

It really, really, sickens me, for someone like me who has a "interesting collection" I'm also scared to leave the country since someone can easily the art style of my collection amounts to ****philia (even if they are clearly adults).
Then again I forgot there is no difference between real life in fiction, murdering a bunch of people in GTA is fine, but having an image of magical girl automatically makes you a ****phile? ****.

agreed my friend

06-30-2011, 02:10 AM
Stupid assumptions and stereotyping such as this happen all the time and, unfortunately, we can't do much about it. Just look at the West Memphis Three. Three people's lives were, and still are, completely ruined because of the police force's, for lack of a better term, retardation.

06-30-2011, 02:11 AM
This is just stupid. Anyone got any intel on if they plan on passing laws like that in the USA? Oh and Kaiju, I totally agree with you.

06-30-2011, 02:16 AM
I'll just leave this here.


06-30-2011, 02:19 AM
i think here it depends on how graphic the sexual images are.... im not 100 percent sure tho

06-30-2011, 02:36 AM
i think here it depends on how graphic the sexual images are.... im not 100 percent sure tho

Most of these cases involved manga that, in way, were sexual. The Bible is more worse that regard with minors and sexual situations, but you don't see people being pulled aside for ****philes by possessing that, now do you?

06-30-2011, 02:38 AM
nope >>

06-30-2011, 02:46 AM
I'm getting sick of hearing this B.S. If i ever go down for crap like this, i might abandon legal counseling and take my chances defending myself. I'd bet i could avoid prison time all together since by now i'm pretty familiar with the contradicting crap hole known as the legal system having heard the bases for these types of cases. Then again, that isn't the type of things i'd carry around on my computer so it happening to me is unlikely...

And well said Kaiju...Being registered as a sex offender has ruined more lives than it ever helped.

06-30-2011, 02:51 AM
Stupid and discremative, really 1 f?!@#ing year for that. :wtf:

06-30-2011, 02:54 AM
I guess anyone who has AMV Hell 0 on there laptop better not leave the country.

06-30-2011, 02:55 AM

06-30-2011, 02:55 AM
Yes, as Kaiju said the bible is worse let alone a sex novel printed in gold legable print saying" TITS and ROSES" showing a boob and nipple in plain view. Jeezuz Qwiste!!!

06-30-2011, 02:55 AM

06-30-2011, 02:59 AM
Really there is, and the person reading was in public, the mall.

06-30-2011, 03:10 AM
I just found it odd he got arrested for something we were making fan dubs not too long ago.

06-30-2011, 05:10 AM
i guess im in trouble because I have a 3.29gb folder of lolita manga....so no country leaving for me

06-30-2011, 05:21 AM
gosh, my friend brings a manga volume with him wherever he goes. guess hes skrewed if they catch him reading Negima. good thing no one cares here in New Mexico.

makes me wonder though, in some countries, people are still married off at age 16. would this be illegal in those countries?

hmm, I wonder if this will come back to bite Japan in the ass some day

06-30-2011, 05:24 AM
What is this? I don't even...

06-30-2011, 05:28 AM
I just found it odd he got arrested for something we were making fan dubs not too long ago.

you talking about Abridged Nanoha? Because I'm still working on that :P Still need auditions for episode 2 Dx

06-30-2011, 05:45 AM
New Mexico.
Red or Green?

06-30-2011, 08:24 AM
id like to point out that even thoguht its retarded humanity has taken a step forward because history tells that the law used to be so blind they killed women for witchcraft if someones plant died.ive also said once in another similar care but diferent chat that child abuse is a hard hitting thing for "normal" ppl which lead to paranoic assumtions [basicaly you dont give a **** as long as someone suffers for your suffering so you can be happy again].It a type of thing the law WANTS to prevent but ****s up horribly due to the fact most ppl do something close to being a sex ofender [its inebitable],they just get caught by random and the wave the scapegoats to the paranoid victim parents and a reasurance that they do something while theyr daughter is geting raped a second time.

06-30-2011, 08:47 AM
I loath reading those articles, not because they are bad, no I loath them at how sickening they assume people who read "manga" are. Its like they are kids in High School who believe all anime is "cartoon porn", it is very, very disturbing how we are being labled as ****philes for mere possession of a Magical Girl manga. Not only that, if convicted, that man can never have a normal life, since being convicted means SEX OFFENDER in the U.S. which means he cannot walk his kid to school, cannot come within a couple hundred feet of a school or school property, cannot be in the vicinity of kid whose not his own (alone), being on a list that says 'you are a ****phile' and all the other bull**** that entails.

It really, really, sickens me, for someone like me who has a "interesting collection" I'm also scared to leave the country since someone can easily the art style of my collection amounts to ****philia (even if they are clearly adults).
Then again I forgot there is no difference between real life in fiction, murdering a bunch of people in GTA is fine, but having an image of magical girl automatically makes you a ****phile? ****.

So true...
Still, if stuff like this happens to someone for merely owning a comic, wouldn't that have generated an entire movement against the Internet by now? I mean, I'm sure we've all seen stuff definitely worse than a Magical Girl comic (AMV Hell 0 and AMV Hell /0).
Might as well try and arrest everyone on the Internet that has even gone close to something that could barely pass as ****philia...
Not to mention the guy's life they have just screwed up for such a stupid reason...

06-30-2011, 03:39 PM
Wow you guys certainly picked up something and are running with it, but you picked up the wrong tidbit. I don't know all the information, but what I did gather from reading the entirety of the article before saying anything, is that it isn't about having something like Negima in your pocket.

He isn't being charged because of any official-type Nanoha release like one might go into a bookstore for, it was a doujinshi. I don't know about the rest of you, but the vast majority of doujinshi I find are heavily sexual in nature. Maybe that's because that's the only ones I look for, but that's neither here nor there.

Lolicons everywhere are going to have to rise up and start a movement which will aim to educate and therein promote a tolerance and understanding of their loli-loving ways, so long as it is restricted solely to imaginative sources (ie, not based on or containing pieces of actual children). This would not be much unlike the LGBT movements.

06-30-2011, 04:51 PM
http://img3.lln.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/eee5050878ad035800c8ceea2ff5991b1279523904_full.jp g
nuff said

06-30-2011, 04:55 PM
Kind of relevant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ACSsUhFk7I

06-30-2011, 05:09 PM
Go penn

06-30-2011, 05:09 PM
Won't load...

06-30-2011, 05:16 PM
hm... he actualy has a point blaiming a game does lift some guild off a rapist.i think the biggest issue here is because thers a factor that a person cant do anything unless he gets the idea of it [suicide,rape and **** like that],since games provide that stuff morons target them, but no one targets news papers which tell which celebirty beated a prostitute near death cuz she didnt want to give a bj.i know stuff i say wont reach most of the reatarded system but it would be nice if the whole work system would stop rushing every ****ing person so hed have 5 seconds to think about life [i assume this might be another cause of **** like that]

06-30-2011, 05:25 PM
Actually there was a video game episode of "Penn and tellers bull****" that you guys should watch, it pretty much sums up what guts said quite nicely

06-30-2011, 05:39 PM
Hangonhangonhangon- I apologize if anyone else has pointed this out (in fact, I saw Corpsey mentioned it before I finished typing this :P), but it says it's a Nanoha DOUJIN. I imagine it was indeed pornographic.

That's not to say they were in the right for arresting him- cartoon porn is STILL just cartoon porn, the dude wasn't hurting anyone, and they didn't have the right to go poking through his computer, but still, understand what's REALLY going on here. This isn't a "people don't understand manga" issue, this is merely an issue of what the Canadian government should and shouldn't do, and they DEFINITELY shouldn't be going through your things, ESPECIALLY if you're a foreigner.

...I apologize for all the words in caps.

06-30-2011, 05:45 PM
Here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWr4htYp9dM&feature=youtube_gdata_player

06-30-2011, 06:54 PM
Doujin or not, though, this is definitely an overreaction... I don't see all the point in actually screwing up someone's life for simply possessing pr0n, and I doubt that the fact that it's a cartoon makes it any different; hell, I've never heard before that buying porn from any freeway gas station makes you a criminal of some kind...

06-30-2011, 07:13 PM
I looked up some Nanoha Doujins to see if they were worth going to jail for and it was pretty nice but I'd still probably leave it at home if I was going to Canada.

06-30-2011, 07:15 PM
I never found any translated ones

06-30-2011, 07:42 PM
Zuiichi, I don't know why you're pushing that episode of Bull****, when the War on Porn episode seems to make more sense in this context, but whatever xD

06-30-2011, 07:47 PM
That's not to say they were in the right for arresting him- cartoon porn is STILL just cartoon porn, the dude wasn't hurting anyone, and they didn't have the right to go poking through his computer, but still, understand what's REALLY going on here. This isn't a "people don't understand manga" issue, this is merely an issue of what the Canadian government should and shouldn't do, and they DEFINITELY shouldn't be going through your things, ESPECIALLY if you're a foreigner.

I'm afraid they are in full capacity in checking your luggage and any media holding hardware.
They do it to me and my brother all the time, however they have never thrown a fit because of the nature of my mangas/doushin, anime. At least not in any central american country I have visited.

And on another note: The reason child porn is illegal is because it is depiciting abuse and molestation of a --------->(real)<--------- child, whether it is consentual or not. Which is absolutely not the case with our unfortunate friend in Canada

06-30-2011, 08:20 PM
Zuiichi, I don't know why you're pushing that episode of Bull****, when the War on Porn episode seems to make more sense in this context, but whatever xD

They both do but I like the video games one because we now just recently won :P

06-30-2011, 08:45 PM
I'm afraid they are in full capacity in checking your luggage and any media holding hardware.
They do it to me and my brother all the time, however they have never thrown a fit because of the nature of my mangas/doushin, anime. At least not in any central american country I have visited.

And on another note: The reason child porn is illegal is because it is depiciting abuse and molestation of a --------->(real)<--------- child, whether it is consentual or not. Which is absolutely not the case with our unfortunate friend in Canada

the guy in video said if you ban manga porn then ban muder or other crime related ****.

06-30-2011, 09:31 PM
I'm afraid they are in full capacity in checking your luggage and any media holding hardware.
They do it to me and my brother all the time, however they have never thrown a fit because of the nature of my mangas/doushin, anime. At least not in any central american country I have visited.

And on another note: The reason child porn is illegal is because it is depiciting abuse and molestation of a --------->(real)<--------- child, whether it is consentual or not. Which is absolutely not the case with our unfortunate friend in Canada

It's not a question of whether it's LEGAL. It's a question of whether it's RIGHT. >.>

They CAN go through your laptop. But they shouldn't. What, are you going to have a progam labeled "thiswillblowupaplane.exe"? We don't live in land of action movies where you can do that, people >.>

06-30-2011, 09:39 PM
It's not a question of whether it's LEGAL. It's a question of whether it's RIGHT.

In my country we have developed the saying: "Legal but immoral." Because so many things are. And so great many things aren't immoral, but are illegal.

Now for the ethical question: should all immoral things be illegal?

And who decides what's immoral? The Islamic? The Puritan? Satanists? The people of 4chan?

06-30-2011, 09:41 PM
It's all bull****, and it's bad for you.

06-30-2011, 09:45 PM
In my country we have developed the saying: "Legal but immoral." Because so many things are. And so great many things aren't immoral, but are illegal.

Now for the ethical question: should all immoral things be illegal?

And who decides what's immoral? The Islamic? The Puritan? Satanists? The people of 4chan?

PFFT, no! Just because that second reason exists!

What one person considers "moral" another person considers "immoral," so if you make everything that's "immoral" also illegal, there are people out there (such as myself) who will call BULL****.

As long as you're not hurting anyone, why can't it be legal? Hell, why SHOULDN'T it be legal? This man's drawings- THEY'RE DRAWINGS, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE- weren't hurting anyone, so why should he be arrested?

In my country, we have also developed a saying- something the government says a lot- "BECAUSE **** YOU, THAT'S WHY."

This is my major problem with the republican party- their constant struggle to elect God as freaking president >.>

06-30-2011, 10:02 PM

I believe that to be a global government motto. Is true everywhere. (Have you ever known of a place where this isn't so?)

06-30-2011, 10:04 PM
I believe that to be a global government motto. Is true everywhere. (Have you ever known of a place where this isn't so?)

Touche, my friend :P

06-30-2011, 10:56 PM
What one person considers "moral" another person considers "immoral," so if you make everything that's "immoral" also illegal, there are people out there (such as myself) who will call BULL****.

As long as you're not hurting anyone, why can't it be legal? Hell, why SHOULDN'T it be legal? This man's drawings- THEY'RE DRAWINGS, FOR CHRIST'S SAKE- weren't hurting anyone, so why should he be arrested?

In my country, we have also developed a saying- something the government says a lot- "BECAUSE **** YOU, THAT'S WHY."

Well unfortunaly you have boiled it down to the basic simple truth.
No matter how much we dislike or abhor it.

06-30-2011, 11:17 PM
because i have amv 0 and Kodomo no Jikan anime and manga on my computer does that mean im going to get arrested?

06-30-2011, 11:50 PM
I agree with many of you. Society is just too childish/stupid/etc. to actually accept people like us.

Well unfortunaly you have boiled it down to the basic simple truth.
No matter how much we dislike or abhor it.

Rule of the Internet #19: The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

Sir Fluffykins
07-01-2011, 05:26 AM
That article is vague, either he had the Manga, which is fine, or he took in a pornographic Doujin, which isn't.

07-01-2011, 05:30 AM
either way it should not have gotten him arrested be it a manga or Doujin >> its all fictional

07-01-2011, 06:06 AM
That article is vague, either he had the Manga, which is fine, or he took in a pornographic Doujin, which isn't.

Your mileage may vary on that one. He shouldn't have gotten arrested PERIOD for it, if it was a doujin, BIG ****ING DEAL, many of us have Amv Hell 0 and 0/ on our hard drives, which is...one of the worst things us anime fans can dish out, so should we be arrested for having that on our hard drives? The Doujin itself was on his hard-drive, not in book form, not hurting anyone. So whats so wrong with it? I have nearly a gig of "Interesting Images" on my Laptop which I picked up free, online, in public boards such as dA and such. If anyone knows me by now you know EXACTLY what those are, so should I be arrested as a "Potential Rapist" or "****phile"? Should I?

That and we don't know the materials of the doujin in question so we cannot assume it was immediately Pornographic or not, either way, it was on his laptop, not a threat to Canadian National Security, not a plan to murder the prime minister or something, so why should he be arrested for such thing as a manga/doujin what have you?

Now, if he had Actual IRL child porn, hell yeah, party van that ****er, but no, he had a doujin with fictional characters, whose ages aren't specified and the fact that most people I know assume anime is "Cartoon Porn for ****philes" makes me believe that this sod is not as guilty has we are lead to believe.

Either way, the Poor sod's life is ruined, even if he isn't convicted his community will still want meat and damn him as a scapegoat. If he is, he gets that, and all the wonderful "privileges" registered sex offenders have.

07-01-2011, 06:20 AM
the whole stroy reminds of an episode of doki doki school hours.
but i don't beleive he should have been arrested it always seems that cops are arresting people that arn't doing anything wrong.

07-01-2011, 08:15 AM
yeah but were the minority -_- its not like we can come to the first lady and scream " YOU ****ING BITCH PUTTED CHAINS ON OUR REAL LIVES, SO DONT ****ING TOUCH FANTAZY!"

07-02-2011, 06:39 AM
the cops are always wasting time with this kind off stuff they should be looking for real criminals people with knifes,guns,drugs,bombs,child porn.
not searching peoples laptops for manga.

07-02-2011, 07:22 AM
I want to know how they were allowed to search the files on his computer. That's personal property and if it was password protected how did they access his files. I'm not sure but I believe here in the U.S. most states require a separate search warrant for computer files. Also I'm screwed if they access my computer not just because of 0 and /0 but because of Aki Sora, Chu Bra and other anime I have on my computer that I may have legally or not so legally obtained.

07-02-2011, 07:47 AM
Lol what? Ok here is a simple defense for his attorney lol. He is a US citizen and they just made Video Games protected under the First Amendment. Just say that it is Art, for looking at and enjoying.

07-03-2011, 09:25 AM
man your smart.

07-03-2011, 09:39 AM
I want to know how they were allowed to search the files on his computer. That's personal property and if it was password protected how did they access his files. I'm not sure but I believe here in the U.S. most states require a separate search warrant for computer files. Also I'm screwed if they access my computer not just because of 0 and /0 but because of Aki Sora, Chu Bra and other anime I have on my computer that I may have legally or not so legally obtained.

They can do that because it's customs he crossed that imaginary line that seperated canada from the US he was no longer in the united states. Customs can search everything they see fit under "Reason". Thats not just canada's customs but also US and many other countries, Your american rights only stretch so far and is only useful outside of the country when your in the court of law.

07-03-2011, 09:44 AM
i wonder what reason they had?
i got it he was dressed like this

07-03-2011, 09:04 PM
Maybe your right Jinzo ,or he looked like whatever the Canadians consider a terrorist. Maybe they just felt like screwing with an American. Whatever the reason was I want to know what it was.

07-03-2011, 09:12 PM
Rule of the Internet #19: The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
So THAT'S why religion is so prevalent...

Son of ah...bitch.

07-05-2011, 09:20 AM
i hate internet rule 19.

07-05-2011, 09:48 AM
Found a manga that may have caused the Canadians to arrest this guy http://transformers.wikia.com/wiki/Kiss_Players_%28fiction%29.
Please be warned if you like transformers the contents of the link maybe scarring to you.

07-05-2011, 10:24 AM
girls kissing giant robots
thats just sick and wrong