12-08-2007, 06:57 PM

As of now I won't be posting on AMVHELL untill the end of next week, in preparation for finals.

So! Wish me all the luck, do your bests or whatever you see fit. if you wish me bad luck I will haunt you untill the end of your life. when im a ghost.

on another note: For some reason I keep wondering what it would feel like to get shot in the ribs, or have at least some of them broken. I ask this cause evry major injury where I had massive concussive force to the ribs, it dosent hurt, and in fact it feels good, in a wierd sort of way. One example was falling DIRECTLY on the stupid pointy banister at the bottem of the stairs, and not really feeling pain, but sort of the funnybone effect.

Assuming you didn't die from getting shot in the ribs, would it really hurt?, personally if it happened to me I would probably make it worse by poking the wound when its healing to feel that wierd sensation.

While I would imagine that there would be massive tissue damage to other bits around the wound, I think it would just feel odd. or am I odd? We will see...

Be back here in about two weeks!

12-08-2007, 09:31 PM
First off, good luck with your exams. It's times like these when I'm almost too generous.

Anyways, I'll set up a hypothetical situation where you won't die from getting shot in the ribs. While the actual wund wouldn't kill you, the pain and agony would, especially if it punctures a lung. If he's a REAL GOOD marksmen and hits you in your solar plexus (a BIG cluster of nerves near your spinal cord towards the back of your stomach) the pain would also kill you. I only mention that because if someone aims for your ribs and misses, they could hit the top of it easily.

As for why you don't feel getting hit in the ribs, that's because there are fewer nerves near your ribs. You'll get the "funnybone" effect that you mention because you're sure to hit at least one small nerve, BUT there aren't enough nerve cells like in your arms, legs, head, etc. to cause major pain. THAT DOES NOT MEAN YOU AREN'T CAPABLE OF BEING INJURED. My dad, being a nurse, has dealt with broken ribs at his hospital, and few patients are even aware their ribs are broken.


12-08-2007, 09:45 PM
I'll just say Good Luck to you ;)

....ok, and I think it'll hurt a little :D

12-08-2007, 09:46 PM
Interesting, never thought that there were that few nerves in the ribs.

As for the example, assume it wasn't a sniper or a marksman, and it was a 9MM , standard round, which I imagine would end up causing more damage cause its going slower, and has less chance of going out.

I would imagine if you were hit in the solarplexus you would start to drown on your own blood before you died of the pain, cause I would imagine dying of pain would be basically overloading you brain with it. but. I would think that immediate dispersal of endorphines would dull the effect, and that with the combonation of the nerves getting desensitized over time would prevent someone from dying of pain. It would hurt, but the only way i can see someone dying of pain is if they somehow managed to shear a uge chunk of skin off them, cause I would imagine it would be akin to being burned, except a billion times worse.

12-21-2007, 03:34 AM

^^ i think dat said it all