12-15-2007, 06:14 AM
Well, I kinda limited the participation for this one but here goes... If your in college, whats the most awful professor you have had? Whats the worst final (content wise, format wise) that you have been given? Has your professor ever tried to deliberately screw over your class?

Well final week for me is done, and I tink I did well on all my finals and decently on my math final. That man is a grade A asshole.

I am in a Calc class that teaches at a slower rate, cause I never had it in High School, so I figured I better not do 111 yet, and opted for 108 and 107 (essentially the same thing as 111 except broken up over two semesters), good move for me cause the majority of the 111 class dropped into 107&108 due to a difficult (not bad) professor.

ANYWAYS,on the math final I had to do a derivitive problem, using all the laws of derivitves, (trig and regular) and the special rules involved with them. I expected this, but with each of the two questions in that section only being worth 5pts each and involving trig, chain, power and all those fun rules all over a quotent rule is NOT WORTH THE 5 god damn points. I did them anyways, and I found on the second question he chose to use the variable Z instead of X. Now, I'm not sure if he did this on purpose, or if he just really wanted to be an asshole, but the reason almost EVERY math professor/teacher stays away from that particlar variable (and all variables like that for that matter) because it looks too much like a NUMBER, not a variable. This is a timed test. There are about 30 Qs on the test, how much you wanna bet some people got a little careless and didn't make their Z look like a Z? Thats a real bull**** way to take points off a test especially if you got the damn problem right. That particular question involved the qutent rule, power+chain rule, product rule, and the diritvitive of a tangent rule. what an ass.

Anywho, post your college horror stories.

12-15-2007, 07:21 AM
My only Finals Horror story happened when I missed my religion final because I was reading through the night and into the next afternoon and then realized that the test wasn't avaliable to take anymore after 12 o'clock. So yeah, basically failed that class.

12-15-2007, 09:53 AM
color=orange]well i think my first was inuyasha or eureka seven[/color]

12-15-2007, 05:07 PM
way to post in the wrong thread newb. >:(

Arden Jace
12-15-2007, 05:08 PM
My two finals this semester were pretty easy, but Goddamn was my Religions teacher a bigot. I've seriously met pastors who were more tolerant and intelligent than this man. For example: When we were studying Islam, he said, "Allah does not measure up to the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (sic)." This was in his notes that he gave out to the class. Seriously, how can you have a doctorate in ministry and then expect to get away with that kind of ****? I think the reason no one went over his head and tried to get him fired was because we all knew we were more intelligent than he was, and that his class was extremely easy (no grades except for a final paper and an exam, class time was spent listening to lectures and watching videos). I hope things get better next semester.

12-15-2007, 05:33 PM
For one of my exams this semester, the professor came in 40 minutes late. He said he thought the exam started an hour later than the time it was scheduled for. WTF??

Once, one of my friends ended up with a 79.9 grade in a class. The professor said he didn't round grades up. This meant the difference between getting a B or a C in the class. I had kinda liked the professor up to that point, but damn, what an asshole. Everyone rounds off grades!

12-16-2007, 11:21 PM
wow, sounds like ou guys had a couple of rough ones. I guess theres always one in a group of professors.... I always get irate whenever a professor (or support staff) does something stupid. luckily none of my professors have done anything stupid, sometimes a bit tough or assholish( I'm looking at you math professor), but not dumb. Ohhhh no. The stupidity post is left for those that work in our kitchens.

They fracked up making RICE! HOW THE SHoT DO YOU DO THAT!?! Its either overcooked or undercooked! And the people that make the stirr fry fracking drown everything in the sause you choose! The object of putting sause on these foods is not to make the food, and rice the same color as the sause!

I asked for soy once, and when they gave it back to me the rice was DEEP BROWN meaning total saturation. I mas well just ask for a bowl of soy sause and a spoon.

12-17-2007, 03:10 AM
My worst exam was being given exactly 48 hours to write, shoot, edit, and produce a short film.

We had to pick the following at random:
1. Genre
2. Prop
3. Line of Dialog

It seems like there was something else, but i don't really remember what, so we wound up with Horror, a Tennis Racket, and the word "Nutrea" for our stuff.

Granted it was a pretty interesting exam but still, 48 hours is not enough time to make something decent.


12-17-2007, 03:48 AM
Ahh, cool, I did a 48 hour film thing also. Mine was a film competition, not an exam though.

It's a great experience. It's amazing how much can happen in just 48 hours. :)

12-17-2007, 05:00 PM
That must have been a tough one. How long was the movie did you have to make, and how in depth did it have to be?