09-03-2006, 10:08 PM
i love amv hell 3 i wanna thank every single person that had anything to do with it. the credits are the best part, but the whole thing is super funny. it is also responsible for me now watching azumanga daioh, all hail osoka!! I only have 2 google videos saved to my pc, those worthy 2 are amv hell 3, and the kobe 81 point game...i am a huge kobe fan by the way...and its not because i am lacking hard drive space or internet connection speed... thanks again the crap rocks for life...

09-12-2006, 08:04 PM
He is Absolutely Right, it's the best AMV i have ever seen, you all are great!
I know man<y of my friend who think the same way, so thank you for your hard work guys!
Actually i am from germany so in german ;)
"Vielen Dank f?r dieses phenomenale AMV es ?bertrifft alle anderen bei weitem!!"

greets ....Me the german guy