01-08-2008, 10:17 PM
take a look at this:
I mean this is an afront to Anime everywhere!! >:( >:(
Why would anyone draw this? >:( >:(
Please everyone -- We gotta stop doing this to Anime!!
Anyone else come across anything simular?
01-08-2008, 11:12 PM
like dis?
01-08-2008, 11:13 PM
My bad that was too small
01-08-2008, 11:14 PM
you mean....this?? ytmndjapan dot ytmnd dot com
01-09-2008, 12:28 AM
Well no really. Im meant taking one cartoon style and *converting* it into "Anime" style the second (3rd) post is what im takin about. what is the possbile reason could some have to defile Anime that way? it just doesn't look right at-at all. WHY??
01-09-2008, 05:42 AM
The only thing that has annoyed me a little is when they made anime looking characters out of the world of warcraft characters, even though it was very nicely done. I hate that game. Otherwise I enjoy this kind of fan art, and especially chibis ^^ . And now all wow fans is going to hate me and send me anthrax in the mail :-\ Sryyyyyy :-[ . It's seems to be a game you either love or hate ^^ .
Arden Jace
01-09-2008, 06:03 AM
Well no really. Im meant taking one cartoon style and *converting* it into "Anime" style the second (3rd) post is what im takin about. what is the possbile reason could some have to defile Anime that way? it just doesn't look right at-at all. WHY??
By this logic, you must also hate any and all chibi art, super-deformed art, fan-art, etc. Seems to me like you just hate Futurama. Personally, I think it's really clever when people do stuff like this tastefully. I'd love to see someone do something like, say, FMP! in South Park-style animation.
On that note:
01-09-2008, 06:17 AM
wow, that right there is really nice.
01-09-2008, 06:22 AM
Would've been pretty cool with a South Park anime ^^ ....maybe :P
01-09-2008, 11:33 AM
By this logic, you must also hate any and all chibi art, super-deformed art, fan-art, etc. Seems to me like you just hate Futurama. Personally, I think it's really clever when people do stuff like this tastefully. I'd love to see someone do something like, say, FMP! in South Park-style animation.
NoNo, dont get me wrong, some artists can really do different styles very well, i mean just look at the Warhammer 40K artists, they take 2" high models and make masterpieces! Its just when something really looks really bad. Like the pic- it just not right on so many levels. Say like if Family Guy was drawn like anime... i dont think that would look any good since it would portray the charcters very well at all.
Large eyes are nice, but they have thier limits... have you seen any Anime where one the charcters has only one large "Anime Style" eye?? please fill me in here, cause I havent seen any.
The picture just looks wrong to me thats all. the simpons pic is another example. none of the charcters look right at all, which spoils the Cartoon, the picture and the overall quality for me...
Arden Jace
01-09-2008, 07:14 PM
have you seen any Anime where one the charcters has only one large "Anime Style" eye?? please fill me in here, cause I havent seen any.
Clearly you haven't been watching enough anime.
01-09-2008, 07:38 PM
have you seen any Anime where one the charcters has only one large "Anime Style" eye?? please fill me in here, cause I havent seen any.
Clearly you haven't been watching enough anime.
Clearly, you cant read, i said :
have you seen any Anime where one the charcters has only one large "Anime Style" eye??
As in they ONLY HAVE one eye. FULL STOP.
And plus I have/watched plenty anime - Neon Genesis Evangelion happens to be a favourite of mine ty Arden Jace, its one Anime I first tought of. But none of them HAVE ONLY ONE EYE. I did find one, but its not really one i want to post here....
01-09-2008, 08:08 PM
i didn't mean to interfere with you guys, but i still don't really get the whole point of this topic...
Arden Jace
01-09-2008, 08:50 PM
have you seen any Anime where one the charcters has only one large "Anime Style" eye??
As in they ONLY HAVE one eye. FULL STOP.
And plus I have/watched plenty anime - Neon Genesis Evangelion happens to be a favourite of mine ty Arden Jace, its one Anime I first tought of. But none of them HAVE ONLY ONE EYE. I did find one, but its not really one i want to post here....
Aww, ****. I forgot the disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: User Arden Jace is a subtle and sarcastic asshole. Anything this user says that could be interpreted to be cynical, sarcastic, or otherwise with two meanings should not, I repeat, not be taken seriously. This user derives humor from pointing out the mistakes, follies, etc. of both himself and his peers, and is quick to crack jokes whenever possible while remaining within the confines of his own fluid definition of decency. This user is arrogant, likes to hear himself talk, and is too smart and well-educated for his own good (if this wasn't obvious). Please don't feed this user Pocky, as it intoxicates him (doesn't react well with the stout beer that makes up the blood content of most people of Irish descent). Feel free to strike this user whenever this user becomes overbearing or just isn't paying attention. If this user grates against you, ignore him. It's super-effective!
Anyway Phil, I know what you meant in your post. I simply felt like making a joke and twisted the meaning of what you said to suit my agenda.
And no, I can't read, and I wish you wouldn't make fun of me for that. It hurts, y'know.
And props for being a fellow NGE fan. Time will tell if you're a true fan or just a Rei or Asuka fanboy (which, from what I've found, is what most self-proclaimed NGE fans really are).
i didn't mean to interfere with you guys, but i still don't really get the whole point of this topic...
The point of the topic is this:
Yes, recycled joke is recycled, but I just got a whole crate of babies.
01-09-2008, 09:06 PM
have you seen any Anime where one the charcters has only one large "Anime Style" eye??
DISCLAIMER: User Arden Jace is a subtle and sarcastic asshole. Anything this user says that could be interpreted to be cynical, sarcastic, or otherwise with two meanings should not, I repeat, not be taken seriously. This user derives humor from pointing out the mistakes, follies, etc. of both himself and his peers, and is quick to crack jokes whenever possible while remaining within the confines of his own fluid definition of decency. This user is arrogant, likes to hear himself talk, and is too smart and well-educated for his own good (if this wasn't obvious). Please don't feed this user Pocky, as it intoxicates him (doesn't react well with the stout beer that makes up the blood content of most people of Irish descent). Feel free to strike this user whenever this user becomes overbearing or just isn't paying attention. If this user grates against you, ignore him. It's super-effective!
[quote=beriorgar ]
i didn't mean to interfere with you guys, but i still don't really get the whole point of this topic...
The point of the topic is this:
Yes, recycled joke is recycled, but I just got a whole crate of babies.
yeah, things have really become clear now... /_\
-edit- sorry for the messed up quoting
01-10-2008, 12:38 AM
I always wondered why Rei had an eyepatch. my theory is that the part of her head covered by the bandage/eyepatch isn't there. thats why there was blood on her pillow. that or her eye periodically leaks blood. Either explanation is hilarious to the extreeme.
01-10-2008, 03:38 AM
you know the girl from ikki tousen always wears a patch right?
And i do mean always, with the exception of possibly 2 shots the entire first season.
Arden Jace
01-10-2008, 04:03 AM
I always wondered why Rei had an eyepatch. my theory is that the part of her head covered by the bandage/eyepatch isn't there. thats why there was blood on her pillow. that or her eye periodically leaks blood. Either explanation is hilarious to the extreeme.
In Episode 2, they describe the failed contact experiment between Rei and Unit-00 which occured roughly 3 weeks before the events of the first episode begin. Also, later, in Episode 5, they actually show said failed experiment. I've always just put two and two together and said she broke her arm and messed up her eye in that experiment.
01-10-2008, 04:41 AM
must not have paid enugh atteention then... messed up her eye how? did it pop out or something? I liked the blood pot she always left on the pillow. it made the blood look like jelly or something.
01-10-2008, 04:11 PM
This picture is relevant to the current thread:
01-10-2008, 04:33 PM
hahah, thats hilarious also!
Arden Jace
01-10-2008, 11:48 PM
must not have paid enugh atteention then... messed up her eye how? did it pop out or something? I liked the blood pot she always left on the pillow. it made the blood look like jelly or something.
Details, details. I figured being strapped inside a rocket that crashed into a ceiling and then a wall would be enough to cause some damage to anyone.
01-20-2008, 05:06 AM
hmmm... or maybe it's a clever "schizo-cover-up" device, like with Agito/Akito from Airgear. ;D
Unfortunately, I am now debating whether or not to obsessively trawl NGE to see if her eye patch switches eyes... damn you Hideaki Anno! >:(
You know, I really wouldn't put it past him to toss in some aggravatingly complex crap like that... I mean, the names are already... aw, screw it, it was fun to contemplate.
Wow, I killed MY OWN comment. :-[ That's talent
01-21-2008, 08:21 AM
This picture is relevant to the current thread: (
Thread Approved.
Hokkuto no Ken crossovers FTW
" Azumaga Kennoh "
~ Mess with Chiyo - and you mess with Tadakichi & Daddy too. >:( (
And on a side note ... More Azuma!
" Yotsu-Bato! "
~FEEAR the Yotsu-Bato! (
Be warned... I'll be back.
01-29-2008, 05:15 PM
HAHAHA my god thats a good one.
01-29-2008, 07:23 PM
hahahah ;D
01-29-2008, 07:51 PM
This is what happens to yoshi when he eats to much of Yuka's Soman Noodles :O
01-29-2008, 08:01 PM
Muahahahaha! Resistance is futile!
01-29-2008, 08:07 PM
This is what happens to yoshi when he eats to much of Yuka's Soman Noodles :O
And what happened to Mario? steroids in the shrooms? :P
01-29-2008, 08:23 PM
This is what happens to yoshi when he eats to much of Yuka's Soman Noodles :O
And what happened to Mario? steroids in the shrooms? :P
No mario just got really mad cause he couldnt fiqure out how to eat his Cornet xD
02-06-2008, 12:30 PM
This is what happens to yoshi when he eats to much of Yuka's Soman Noodles :O
Oh Shiii- I forgot about that one. I've got a comic's site for that laying around somewhere. (the art, not the noodles). I'll try to rummage around and find it.
Muahahahaha! Resistance is futile!
No desu? >_<
02-06-2008, 03:13 PM
Muahahahaha! Resistance is futile!
No desu? >_<
Wha?! Are you blind? She's up top and center!
02-07-2008, 11:07 AM
Muahahahaha! Resistance is futile!
No desu? >_<
Wha?! Are you blind? She's up top and center!
Needs More "DESU" ! ( I fixed it for you... ;))
When you see it you'll sh!t bricks.
(Hint: Save it to your computer and view it at full size in mspaint/Photoshop. ::))
Heres a few more: Another one (****bricksoh7.png) and Osaka Nazi (****us5.png)
(Remember: View at full_size/normal_zoom for a good view)
Ok, so I was lazy this time, but I thought this was relevant. Again, if you can't guess what it is then save it to your computer and view with paint. :P
02-07-2008, 03:59 PM
Muahahahaha! Resistance is futile!
No desu? >_<
Wha?! Are you blind? She's up top and center!
Needs More "DESU" ! ( I fixed it for you... ;))
When you see it you'll sh!t bricks.
(Hint: Save it to your computer and view it at full size in mspaint/Photoshop. ::))
Haha lol, I think I sh!t myself when i saw it in paint :o
02-07-2008, 06:58 PM
What the ****? That was interesting ,...
02-07-2008, 07:36 PM
Wow, how'd that happen?
02-07-2008, 10:31 PM
....Ive tried them all, but I don't see this one of those 10 dolphin things?
02-07-2008, 10:44 PM
You must reveal how you made those!!!
02-08-2008, 01:08 AM
You must reveal how you made those!!!
I couldn't agree more! I wanna know. hehe ^^
02-08-2008, 01:47 AM
looks like a crosshatch effect...
02-08-2008, 03:53 AM
You must reveal how you made those!!!
Wait... You aren't going to convince masterage to add pr0n to the AMV Hell card game, are you? Or peddle online-pokemon cards to kids on the internet? :/ (We wouldn't want to introduce anymore competition to that market now would we? >_<; )
....Ive tried them all, but I don't see this one of those 10 dolphin things?
What OS/Web browser are you using? (And what image viewer are you viewing them with once you have them on your computer?) That might be part of the reason you can't see it. ::)
I haven't made a final script to make it easier, so the process is currently somewhat tedious. It's not an optical illusion, its exploiting the way the viewers are displaying images. ;)
Half of the fun is in figuring it out (or in the discovery), but if you believe you are close then PM me. I'd rather not make it too easy on a public board, but I'd be glad to PM anyone the information they need to look up how it works. Don?t waste too much time trying to figure it out (unless you are enjoying the challenge), just send a PM and I?ll respond with the key concepts.
02-12-2008, 08:16 PM
02-12-2008, 08:32 PM
Can't see the picture. With IE, the 'white square with red cross'-thing appears, Firefox and Opera just doesn't load it.
02-13-2008, 05:45 AM
You must reveal how you made those!!!
Wait... You aren't going to convince masterage to add pr0n to the AMV Hell card game, are you? Or peddle online-pokemon cards to kids on the internet? :/ (We wouldn't want to introduce anymore competition to that market now would we? >_<; )
....Ive tried them all, but I don't see this one of those 10 dolphin things?
What OS/Web browser are you using? (And what image viewer are you viewing them with once you have them on your computer?) That might be part of the reason you can't see it. ::)
I haven't made a final script to make it easier, so the process is currently somewhat tedious. It's not an optical illusion, its exploiting the way the viewers are displaying images. ;)
Half of the fun is in figuring it out (or in the discovery), but if you believe you are close then PM me. I'd rather not make it too easy on a public board, but I'd be glad to PM anyone the information they need to look up how it works. Don?t waste too much time trying to figure it out (unless you are enjoying the challenge), just send a PM and I?ll respond with the key concepts.
Well, eventually I'm going to have to turn AMV Hell 0 into cards...
02-13-2008, 06:02 AM
Well that's going to be interesting
02-13-2008, 07:43 AM
Well that's going to be interesting
No kidding...
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